Larry Ballard With Breaking News on BRICS, Banking Collapse, and Restoration of America

10 months ago

Meri Crouley interviews Larry Ballard. *This is Good!

BRICS countries will END the US Dollar. The US Dollar as the dominate World's Reserve Currency is now in its final days.

BRICS countries are considering using XRP.

80% of the worlds population is aligning with BRICS. This means 80% of the worlds population is preparing to go off the US Dollar. There have been too many broken promises and lies and they are saying screw you.

Since 2020 more US Dollars have been printed than in the ENTIRE HISTORY of the United States. Let that one sink in.

This is why we are seeing inflation and it will get much worse. The banking system will soon collapse.

During Covid all banking rules were tossed out the window and all deposits were loaned out at 100%. This means ALL deposits are theirs, not ours. The banks were set up by the gangsters.

We are now nearing the bail in period where the banks pay for their corrupt fuck-ups with our deposits.

The banking collapse is imminent. This is a very serious crisis. BRICS is meeting right now to decide to depart from the Central Banking System. They saying the final goodbye to the US Fiat Currency.

We are in a war right now.

Larry Ballard who shares CRITICAL information about where our nation is on the timeline for GOD'S GREAT RESET.

Larry Wrote the book LIBERTY CRUSADE and has been on Meri's show several other times.

In 1968 Larry died in a MOTORCYCLE accident and GOD told him when he got older there would be a Wealth Transfer for God's people. We are at that time now for a GREAT AWAKENING.

They (UN) want to reduce world population to 1 Billion.

The bad guys are not going to win.

The pace is now accelerating. The truth will come out. The economic criminal foundation will crumble. This means America must collapse.

China will also collapse as the Global Supply Chain is removed. China will be considered a Pariah Nation (is a nation considered to be an outcast in the international community) because they released Covid on the world, which is considered Genocide.

The real estate market in China is collapsing right now. US Manufacturers are abandoning ship and withdrawing from China. This will dissolve over 80% of their economy.

When the BRICS Nations dump US Treasury Dollars the dollar will collapse.

The Global Elite have controlled the world by controlling the money. When it all collapses, their greatest strength becomes their greatest weakness. There will be whistleblowers galore as they will have no money to pay them off. There will be a flood of information. When the masses discover just how EVIL they are and have been, we will all say a collective HELL NO!

It will be the TRUTH that will set us FREE!

The former presidents will be completely EXPOSED!

Obama was brought in to set America up to collapse and Hillary Clinton was supposed to come in to put the nail in Americas coffin.

According to Larry, Trump got in and messed up the timeline so they are trying to speed things up.

*Watch ALL of this, my summary is very brief and does little justice to this gem of information.

SOURCE: MeriCrouley --

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