Gene-based “Vaccines” – The Pharmaceutical Crime of the Century?

1 year ago

Gene-based “vaccines” - the pharmaceutical crime of the century? On March 15, 2023, a press conference was held on this topic by the society of “Physicians and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy”. Well-known expert voices such as Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, the pathologist Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and many others were present. In the following, Kla.TV publishes excerpts of the conference and parts of the press release of this important day.
In short statements, the expert speakers clarified the enormous extent of the COVID “vaccination” damage. They also talked about the resulting consequences and developments, also especially with regard to future global health policy.

The spike protein is a bioweapon

The human and cell biologist and immunologist Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer made it clear that the spike protein is a bioweapon with enormous potential for damage. It is becoming increasingly clear that this is not a health policy project but rather a military project. Prof. Kämmerer said, among other things:

“Vaccinations do exactly what they are supposed to do. The body is forced to produce the dangerous spike protein, which is distributed everywhere in the body and then causes more damage than the viral infection as such would do in the usual cases, especially in healthy and previously unharmed people. The spike protein, that is this spike that sits on top of the viruses – everybody knows these pictures by now – this is normally only formed in the body when the viruses attack the cells and force them to form their own virus components. The trick now, especially of these RNA lipid components, was to get the gene information for the spike protein into the cells. You wouldn’t get normal RNA into cells. [...]

That means the spike protein has been genetically modified so that it now has properties that a natural spike protein would not have. It is published. The source is in the notes along with other things given in great detail by Mrs. Segreto.

The main points are: It has been optimized to dock to the human ACE2 receptor which is a receptor that is on a great many cells, but additionally to the neuropilin receptor. So this spike protein can get into nerve cells and damage them. The ACE2 receptor is, I found another publication yesterday – sounds like Mr. Lauterbach now – it is actually, I couldn’t even print it out – it is from October 5, 2020.

And it already says explicitly, very nicely described in PubMed (database of medical articles on the internet) that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 damages the stem cells of hematopoiesis. That means it was already known before the stuff was injected into humans, that in human cells this spike protein – regardless of whether it comes via the virus or whether it enters the cells as a separate protein – it massively disturbs the so-called hematopoietic stem cells (blood cells are formed from them) from which our immune system comes, from which our blood cells also come. And they have even found that the monocytes (cells of the immune system), i.e. an important component of our cellular immune system, are also caused to die by the spike protein.

Now that explains very well why we see a lot of immunological dysregulation, both in the patients where with fatal results this complete SARS-CoV-2 virus manages to enter the body through the mucosal immune barrier and can actually make these difficult pathways there. But much more dangerous is this large amount of spike protein that the body has to make because of the RNA injection, which brings this dangerous feature into the body and actually disrupts the immune system permanently. The first reactions you see, the people who had one, two or more such injections are more susceptible to infections, get COVID the second time, COVID the third time, COVID the fourth time, get other diseases – and quite often you hear shingles (a viral disease). Shingles is a classic sign of a compromised (weakened) immune system.
[...] That’s a very typical sign that these injections are actually permanently disrupting the immune system. And that's something where we don’t yet see fatal (disastrous) and severe problems in most cases. That builds up, that accumulates more with each injection.”

The fact that the facts are on the table or under the microscope

was illustrated by the pathologist Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt.
He said, among other things:

“Yes, thank you very much. [...] First of all, here is our study. As I said, in the meantime, we have now followed up 75 autopsy cases. We have more cases, but these are the cases that we have in the bag, so to say. That is, that we have evaluated to the extent that we can state some certain facts about it. 75 deceased, that is 40 men and 35 women, 21.2 to 94.7 years of age. Death one day to six months after the last injection and the so-called vaccines that are common in our country, above all Pfizer, BioNTech, so Comirnaty. In addition, we now increasingly have biopsy preparations from living patients. I will show some examples there as well, especially skin biopsies with appropriate changes. Next image. So we examined these 75 decedents, and by the way – four of them had a true Covid-19 infection before or after. We were able to rule that out in the rest. 40 autopsies by pathologists, 35 by forensic pathologists, once by both pathologists and forensic pathologists, which is certainly very legitimate.

And the primary diagnosis we got was natural death or unclear cause of death in 91%. And lately now increasingly also the indication that a possible connection with the vaccination (inoculation) could exist. So there are seven cases. But these 91% are very impressive if you compare it with the number that we have now found on the basis of our follow-up investigation. Next picture.
This is now the follow-up examination in Reutlingen, second opinion, as it is called in technical language. And there – with probability bordering on certainty or probably – the circumstances of death are in some way attributable to the vaccination. And that is 77%. In the previous presentations, we talked about 80%. Now we have compiled the exact figures for this collective (group). But it still remains possible/unclear: 14 cases, excluded actually only in one case and two cases are not usable. Next.
Then important are the circumstances of death, which we have here, here I have compiled 19 cases. 15 of them fall under the heading of sudden adult death, so sudden adult death syndrome from unexplained causes. And it is important to note that the majority of our cases died at home, on the street, in the car or at work, and very few of them died after a longer hospital stay or therapy, so that the changes that we see in the tissues and cells are actually essentially due to the vaccination or not due to therapeutic measures.

[...] And the first result was actually that we found that this spike protein, which is what we’re talking about here, doesn’t just stay at the injection site, as is always claimed, but it actually travels throughout the body via the blood vessels.

[...] And I want to say again, the facts are on the table. And in my case, they’re under the microscope and can still be looked at hundreds of years from now by anyone who is interested. And that is a contemporary document of eternal value. Those who look away are complicit. Now justice is called for. Those who committed these crimes against humanity must be held accountable. And that is my deepest conviction. And that's why I’m making all this effort, when in fact I could be lying in the sun by the sea. Thank you.”

A repeat of the Thalidomide scandal?

Dr. Dr. Christian Fiala from Vienna explained the completely new mechanism of action of mRNA “vaccination”. Healthy own body cells mark themselves as foreign with the spike protein. As a result, the immune system destroys its own healthy cells because it considers them to be an intruder. Justifiably, he raised the question whether, in view of the deliberate autoimmune destruction, this would not be a repeat of the Thalidomide scandal. In the Thalidomide scandal, severe malformations occurred in newborns as a result of taking the sedative Thalidomide in early pregnancy. As a result of the Corona “vaccination,” women showed increased menstrual disorders, impaired fertility, and malformations in unborn children. In men, a significant reduction in sperm quality has been demonstrated. According to Dr. Fiala, this is only a sampling of the harms following Corona vaccination.

The benefit is not zero, but negative

- Prof. Dr. Bhakdi is convinced. He again drew attention to the Achilles’ heel of this vaccination process. That the dangers of the “vaccination” are “nightmarish”, the microbiologist already predicted three years ago. This prediction was based on basic principles of immunology, as they can be read in any textbook.

All mRNA “vaccines,” not just the Covid “vaccines,” carry two life-threatening hazards: The first is the highly dangerous packaging material. These lipid nanoparticles protect the mRNA and enable its uptake into cells. This can only be done via artificial lipids, which, unlike naturally occurring lipids, are positively charged and thus cause operational disruption. This is because all endogenous cells are maintained by means of negatively charged lipids. Before 2020, the use of these positively charged lipids was not even allowed. In this context, Dr. Ronald Weikl also addressed the misleading statements made by the German Armed Forces Medical Service on its website. Under the heading “Vaccinations and the Obligation to Tolerate”, the following formulation can be found: “Anyone who reaches for the starter soup in a restaurant without hesitation can also trust the ingredients and auxiliary substances in the mRNA vaccination without hesitation. Salt, fat, water and sugar are namely found in both.” In view of Prof. Dr. Bhakdi’s remarks, such statements can only be described as irresponsible.
In the context of the emergency approval of BioNTech's first “Covid vaccine,” the manufacturer did claim to have conducted safety tests. However, the fact is that animal studies were never conducted by the “vaccine” manufacturers.

The second danger comes from the exogenous genes, which can enter the bloodstream in massive numbers and reach all organs. This is because every cell that produces a protein foreign to the body becomes a target for attack by the immune system. These mRNA-based agents are now to be introduced in all areas of medicine, according to the WHO's declaration of intent.

Effectiveness of vaccination minus 300%

Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz, former member of the expert commission for the evaluation of the Corona measures, provided facts and figures on the lack of efficacy and safety. According to his scientific motto “the proof of the pudding is in the eating” the physicist clears up the fairy tale of the effectiveness. This has been known since July 2021, when Israel published its figures. Mere assertions do not yet qualify the “vaccine” and do not contribute to its permanence. At most, they contribute to the consolidation of the misconception which would explain why the mainstream media still do not talk about the force of the numbers.
Lauterbach’s claim that only one in 10,000, that would be 0.01% of the “vaccinated”, had serious life-changing side effects quickly turns out to be a farce when looking at scientifically proven and robust figures from various studies. Several studies in which 100% of the participants were observed prove that side effects are at least 3%. This is also confirmed by official data from the US military. For example, among the 2.5 million young military personnel, there were approximately 4% more cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and 3% more cases of cancer. And when asked if these Corona vaccine substances were effective at all, he replied:

“Clearly, no! Sucharit Bhakdi just said it and he said, it is much worse. Not only is it not effective, but the immune system is so damaged. The more I get vaccinated, the more likely I am to get infected with either Corona or some other infection. And a study from November from a clinic in Cleveland showed if I'm spiked three or four times, my risk of getting sick increases by a factor of 3. You could also say effectiveness minus 300 percent.”

Emerging disease patterns in the context of spiking

Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Haditsch, a specialist in virology, biology and infectious disease epidemiology, deals with the questions of how vaccine damage can be diagnosed, which laboratory parameters are suitable for diagnosis and how we can distinguish between long-Covid and post-vac syndrome (damaged after vaccination). The fact that many signs of disease are uncharacteristic and can also occur outside of Corona poses diagnostic challenges. In addition, there is the high variability (diversity of expression) of the damage caused by the ubiquitous (widespread everywhere) organ infestation. In this respect, recording and clarification is necessary with regard to new clinical pictures. For example, diseases never observed before occurred with spiking in the context of immunizations (vaccinations), such as ADE, an overshooting immune reaction, VITT, a “vaccine”-induced clot formation with simultaneous bleeding tendency, V-AIDS, a “vaccine”-induced immune deficiency, SADS, a sudden adult death. While there were a total of 9 cases of “sudden and unexpected death” in Germany from 2016 to 2020, there were already 500 cases in 2021.

An interim report dated February 28, 2021 from Pfizer to the FDA (= US Food and Drug Administration) shows on 8½ pages approx. 1,300 side effects, which – mind you – had been reported within only 3 months after market launch. Any animal test would have been stopped at this stage. This now shows the urgency of determining a reliable study profile adapted to these new diseases, also in order to be able to present reliable facts in the event of legal proceedings.

WHO – systematic and widespread attack against the civilian population

Last but not least, Uwe Kranz, former president of the Thuringia State Criminal Police Office, had his say. He took on the global agenda of the WHO, which is currently hovering over all governments like a sword of Damocles with its pandemic agreement and International Health Regulations (IHR for short). The former Europol set-up man and project manager continues to be analytical today, only now he is taking a closer look at organized crime in the health sector and global databases.

He points out how absurd and unrealistic the figures in the European database “Eudra Vigilance” are, with only about 3% of actual vaccine injuries and side effects actually reported. 2,179,125 suspected cases times 100 would be much closer to the reality of vaccine damage. The so-called “Pfizer Files”, the uncovered correspondence between the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) and Pfizer, which was to be withheld from the public for over 75 years, also demonstrates the unprecedented crime against humanity.
Only a FOIA lawsuit, meaning Freedom of Information Act, by 200 doctors and scientists led to the disclosure of 300,000 documents from which the international corruption and the fraudulent actions of Pfizer in the approval process can be proven. Accordingly, it is now necessary to counter the WHO’s abuse of power. Because if one looks at the role of the WHO in the international system, it quickly becomes obvious that the currently discussed International Health Regulations (IHR) and the planned “Pandemic Treaty” are an attempt to revive the WHO.
After all, the WHO is a chronically underfunded, cumbersome and inefficient organization that is to be inflated into a one-world government and endangers the sovereignty of all states. The planned Pandemic Treaty and the IHR would become an invitation to abuse power. This is shown impressively and unmistakably already in the deletion of “dignity” and “human rights” in the new Pandemic Treaty or the use of control mechanisms and control structures or of sanction rights if the member states do not “toe the line”. In the future, the WHO alone will be allowed to decide whether a pandemic occurs or not. This means the complete withdrawal of national sovereignty and financial control. Even in the case of potential threats, the entire set of instruments of the WHO is to take effect.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, the facts just mentioned expressly show that not only do the “vaccinations” not work but above all they harm! Thus, all the facts speak for this having to be a bio-weapon with leading participation of the military. In short, the mRNA vaccinations must be called the pharmaceutical crime of this century! Spread this information and warn in your community and circle of family and friends about the harmful effects of mRNA vaccinations!
We conclude with a quote from Prof. Bhakdi:

"It has become so clear by now. Those responsible have their backs against the wall and fear for their own existence. But these people are mercilessly without any empathy. My small glimmer of hope is that these topics that the mainstream media (MDR, Bild TV, ZDF) have brought in the last 5 months are now seen millions of times. This is no longer a balloon. This is already reaching far and wide and reaching other people. What we need to do is continue to educate so that every idiot understands. Because the facts are so glaringly clear that in the next few months at the latest, the question will come up, "Did you participate?""

from / ch
Press Release of MWGFD

Video of Press Conference

Thalidomide Scandal

Article on WHO-Pandemic Treaty

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