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15 seconds

France is the First Domino to Fall

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V4F Ops Sgt-Maj, MWO (Ret'd) Jeff Evely, presents the issues affecting freedom loving, Canadian patriots for the day. France is on fire, as the military purportedly gives and ultimatum to Macron - if he doesn't restore order, they will. Canada may not be the next domino to fall, but it is in line. Daniel Smith fights back against harmful fed policies. Feds say freedom is the real threat.


  • 0/2000
  • Turns out Netherlands was the first domino to fall. 💫🙏🏼❤️‍🔥🇨🇦 The sound of freedom is selling out everywhere & Dr David Martins 21 min speech at the EU has reached over 2BILLION. #Lightwins #Godismoving

  • No he did not say that, although for pedos yes.. .

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