i think my existence proves every point i've ever made

1 year ago

thelonious is being very noisy right now
my filmmaking takes you back, you can pretend that it's before the new millennium
i keep dropping this keyboard on the ground
the man in my head is always right
male counterpart that i turn to so i don't fall apart
best friend/husband...it ain't pathetic i don't need nobody
i keep myself entertained, no TV
what a beautiful thing it is to create
if you improve your overall health then you can help other people as well
being in a constant state of panic or an emotional basket case is not being informed
i suck at playing music in front of people
the world is going down as it should
do you think i'm gonna frown
in the beginning it was good (such a likely story)
sin entered the world thru a woman, why wouldn't it we're the weaker sex
salvation also entered the world thru a woman
they're so obsessed w/ semantics
apply the msg and your life will significantly improve
the L can capitalize on love cos the R is so hateful
give people what they're missing *we will do it
none of em are smarter or better or more clever but they think they are
they're wasting all this time and their entire life really
i'd rather devote my energy to sumin other than peeing
this incessant pissing constant
there are better things i can do than prove sumin to you
fuck you just becuz

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