What's something you once strongly believed, and now don't believe at all?

1 year ago

What's something you once strongly believed, and now don't believe at all?
That karma would punish the bad people, eventually.
I used to think everyone is genuinely nice with no hidden agendas and that made me trust everyone easily.
That adults have everything figured out and their life is a smooth journey on a fixed path
Working hard can get you anything you want. Hard work is important and can get you really far but certain achievements take a lot of luck as well.
That I'll figure out life when I grow up . . .
That I'd be married by now. Turns out you need someone who also believes that for you.
That I am special, and destined for great things.
That everyone could get along. Becoming an adult has soured my opinion of people in general, I'm no different.
that food pyramid we were taught in school for what our diet should consist of.
What goes around comes around
There’s no soulmate. We can nurture love in different person with reasonable compatibility if we both are mature enough.
As a child, I believed that whenever we slept all our hair would fall off and we would randomly get a strangers hair the next day. And I believed that that's why some days were a good hair day and some days bad. I strongly believed this for a long time! XD
That there was a T-rex behind the basement couch that would pop up if ever I dared to be down there alone. Damn you, Jurassic Park!
That the people who we elect as our leaders care about our country.
That everything happens for a reason. Not everything happens necessarily for a reason. Some things are totally random and it’s best to make peace with this fact.
The justice system, and government in general.
My parents convinced me that Halloween was a holiday that was only ment to worship Satan. Do not think that at all now it is just a bunch of kids trying to get candy. And some teens tryna ng to scare the most kids
I was bullied and thought it was good for you long-term but a solid YouTube video many years back pointed out how it's inappropriate as adults so why would we think it's ok for children?
The same hoverboards in Back to the Future would be released in the year 2000.
That poop can’t just leak out, found out today it can.
That I would grow up to be a Ninja Turtle.
That if people know the results of their actions they'd act with some kind of conscious. Turns out they have the ability to dilude themselves into believing their owns superiority much more easily than just listening to reason.
That you can trust all people
That adults know what they're doing
My parents.
That everything is gonna be alright
That I can't do better than my meth addicted, abusive, cheating ex
Joseph Smith was a prophet and a good man
That bullies only occur in childhood. Why are there workplace bullies?! We are all adults now.
That the justice system will ultimately punish the guilty while absolving the innocent.
That senior staff/people are competent and not winging it like the rest of us.
As a child I had to keep toxic people in my life because "its my dad, grandma, brother" blah blah blah. I thought that was the case but at 15 I stood up for myself and said flock that. I'm glad I let go because I've been in SUCH a better mental space
That Adults are mature and and act like adults
That treating people with respect is enough to get it back
Having a house of my own, freaking Economy
That life would be good
There was a dude in the sky who cared if I masturbated
That suicide is selfish. I know now when suicide is the only option someone can see, they've reached a point of despiration. Their fear of living one more day is greater than their fear of the unknown.
That the hulk would jumb over the trees at the end of tje garden and land on me i was a weird child
That in the end, things will be okay.
Loyalty and unconditional love.
Love will come out of nowhere. And that people care about you. Yeah, they care about you if it benefits themselves in terms of joy.
That getting a job is easy
That we have a functioning democracy in the United States.
That working hard will lead to a more successful life.
That people were good. Marriage is a lifetime commitment as long as there is no abuse of any kind. Politicians and government was there to HELP the general public, not line their own pockets with our hard earned money like the thieves they are now.
That the United States is the greatest country in the world.
That people were inherently good.
That my Dad was a bad person. Turns out my Mom is a narcissist and made me hate my Dad since age 6. She's been feeding me all those lies until I finally saw her true colors when I became an adult.
Trusting people. Trust No One.
time heals all wounds
That Elon Musk is great.
That i’m gonna be happy one day
My countrymen
Hardwork pays off
Do good and you'll receive good
That the average person is kind and decent

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