Kaleidoscope Meditation to treat OCD / Harm OCD with subliminal messages

1 year ago

This mediation is based on the work of Dr Joe Dispenza and French Psychologist Emile Coue. It is designed to help treat Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and Harm OCD using subliminal message affirmations.

How to use this mediation:
Play mediation in the background. With or without sound (the auido has no impact on the subliminal affirmations) No need to focus on the screen. Just play the video in the background as you do your daily routine. Your subconscious mind will register the subliminal message affirmations.

Mild cases play for at least 15 minutes once a day. More more severe cases play for thirty minutes two or three times a day or as needed.

Please leave your questions, comments and results below. I would also like to hear your suggestions on what other mediations you would like me to create.

"When you believe yourself to be master of your thoughts, you become so." - Emile Coue

Thank You

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