Single Leg Squat WITH HIP ABDUCTION#strength #healing

1 year ago

Single Leg Squat With Hip Abduction

This video demonstrates how to safely tone and bring strength to your hips, glutes, legs ( quads, hams, IT band, tensor fascia latte) for one side of your body. Your SI joint and low back will benefit from the stability you are building.

Please work your other side on your own.

Keeping strong toned legs will help to protect and prevent knee (patella) issues down the road.

This recording was done quick and unfortunately my left foot planted on the ground cannot be seen in the video. I believe overall you can understand how this works!

Work : 45 seconds and recover for 30 seconds.

Equipment: You will need is a ball or thick pillow to press against the wall with opposite hip.

Purchase a ball if you don't have one from most stores or online.

Use your brain to muscle connection to bring change to the muscle and for healing injuries.

This work can be used as stand alone or foundational so that in time you can progress to single leg squat with no support or pistol squat with safe stability while building strong legs, glutes, low back and hips and core.

Add this movement 3-5 times a week consistently, you will strengthen lower body well over time.

This move is for any age, at any level. Keep working your body to keep strong and good posture for your entire life. Never stop. Make this your lifestyle.

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