Pendulum statements about unseen entities. Dowsing. Time-stamps for 72 statements/questions at the end of this video's description.

1 year ago

Asking my higher self about negative entities. Asking my connection with our creator/creatorness about curiosities regarding other youtube channels speaking of (different) entities.

I placed the time-stamps at the end of this description. There are 72 questions in total. So you fast-forward to whatever question interests you.

DONATIONS are always welcome. I invest a wow amount of time, thought, and more into these questions and answers.$AMahatFool

FYI: YES my body is moving the pendulum. The pendulum does not move by itself, just as the tarot cards don't move by themselves. My bodacious body is the highly advanced, high frequency medium by which the energies come through. I hope you enjoy this video, and encourage you to explore your own questions (to your own self and not some other entity or institution) and how you go about getting the answers. Perhaps you may get the same responses I get, or perhaps not.

I don't anticipate that I will be reading the comments, as I would rather not be influenced by others, and want to remain true to myself. However, I will probably leave the comments open because I support open dialog so as long as the intention doesn't involve causing adverse and/ or negative effects to others. I'm grateful to all who support me in positive ways and all who vibe high with me.

DONATIONS are always welcome. I invest a wow amount of time, thought, and more into these questions and answers.$AMahatFool


I don't just use any 'ol pendulum... I'm using a pendulum designed by the Pendulum Master. Here is where I purchase my pendulums, and I am not affiliated with the site. It is just that a well-designed pendulum REALLY makes a difference. I'm just sharing the information out of the kindness of my heart.

The chart which I am using was carefully developed as well. It's not just some 'ol chart. I obtained this dousing chart after taking the Effective Dousing course at Pendulum Alchemy. Here's the link, and I have 0 affiliation with them. I am just passing on the info out of the kindness of my heart.


JC Kay episode #324
Meat and potatoes begins at 35:15

Witness of another world documentary (trailer)

Dr. Joe Dispenza webpage

Solarah Speaks
Meat and potatoes 57:00-59:30


1. 07:29 Statement to higher self: Human beings make conscious contracts with beings in referenced interview.
2. 08:25 Statement to higher self: Animals (ex: such as whales and dolphins) make conscious contracts with beings in referenced interview.
3. 09:31 The entities mentioned in referenced interview are able to make themselves appear or sound like passed on loved ones.
4. 12: 56 All contracts between entities (referenced in interview) and human beings are made consciously.
5. 14:06 The entities in referenced interview/video are able to pass of as passed on loved ones.
6. 14:45 The entities mentioned in referenced interview use humans emotions against them.
7. 15:21 Entities referenced in interview are able to manipulate human beings through their emotions. By creating emotions in them. Is how they manipulate human beings.
8. 16:12 The entities in referenced interview and referenced video, are able to scan the memories of human beings, in order to use their memories to create emotions in order to manipulate them.
9. 17:21 Entity referenced in documentary was energy harvesting.
10. 17:38 Entity in referenced documentary, what that entity was doing was energy harvesting of some sort.
11. 18:50 The entity in referenced documentary was collecting information.
12. 19:24 Entity in referenced documentary is same type of entity as in referenced video interview.
13. 20:33 Entity referenced in documentary was performing scientific experiments.
14. 21:15 Entity in referenced documentary scanned the memory of the human being whom had the encounter, and used that to show the human being his grandfather.
15. 22:09 Entity in referenced documentary, that entity's intentions could be described as neutral to positive.
16. 23:18 Entities from animated film Monsters Inc are true. They exist, they are real.
17. 23:44 Monsters Inc (animated film) entities are a (so-called) "disclosure" (to the public) to the entities in referenced interview.
18. 24:26 Entities in referenced animated film Monsters Inc are the same entities as in referenced interview.
19. 24:55 Entities in referenced interview are harvesting energy.
20. 25:36 Entities in referenced interview are harvesting SOMETHING.
21. 26:30 Entities in referenced interview are feeding fresh when doing their rude activities, not harvesting for later.
22. 27:00 Statement for my higher self: Entity encountered in referenced documentary was feeding at the time.
23. 27:30 Statement for my higher self: Entities spoken about in referenced interview need to feed (from humans) in order to survive.
24. 28:12 In the interview referenced, what they're taking, when the entities are doing what they do, it is a delicacy/ dessert.
25. 29:33 Entities mentioned in referenced interview; Their techniques do not work on a human being whom is balanced and in control of their emotions.
26. 30:28 Techniques in referenced interview will still be able to affect an individual who is balanced and in charge/control of their emotions. (re-worded the previous question).
27. 32:19 The consciousness scale of emotions referenced in video, is used by entities in referenced interview. The entities use the lower states of emotion (on that scale) against human beings to control them. To control them.
28. 33:30 The entities described in featured interview, they use lower (vibrational) states of emotion, such as FEAR and SHAME to control human beings.
29. 34:18 The reason that these entities use the lower states of emotion on the emotional scale mentioned in referenced video because it is easier to harvest when human beings are in that state of emotion.
30. 35: 21 (Describing entities mentioned in referenced video. Hierarchy of entities. They receive higher ranks according to the more they harvest, the more they take.) The entities described in referenced video are the same entities which are described in referenced interview.
31. 36:53 The entities mentioned in referenced video, as well as the entities mentioned in referenced interview, they require a human being or another entity (I was thinking of physical human beings) to create physical changes in this world. (I assumed because the entities don't have actual physical bodies)( I was also thinking of the movie "Fallen" starring Denzel Washington.)
32. 37:37 The entities mentioned in referenced interview, and the referenced video, these entities are unable to move objects or cause changes in the physical world. They are unable to do that.
33. 38:34 Entities in referenced interview as well as the ones mentioned in referenced video, those entities are able to cause certain changes in the physical world; those entities can move objects around and things like that.
34. 39:14 Previous statement reworded: The entities mentioned in referenced interview, and the entities mentioned in referenced video, these entities, the only way these entities are able to cause physical changes or basically manipulate matter in any way is only by convincing physical entities to do things (for them).
35. 40:07 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as the ones mentioned in referenced video, they are unable to manipulate matter, move things around, just on their own. They are unable to do that.
36. 40:58 The entities mentioned in referenced video and in referenced interview, those entities are able to move objects around on their own without the help or assistance of another being.
37. 41:22 The entities in referenced video, as well as entities mentioned in referenced interview are able to produce sounds, without the assistance of another.
38. 41:49 They are able to produce waveforms.
39. 42:00 The entities in referenced video as well as entities in referenced interview. They are able to produce electrical signals without the assistance of another entity, or a human being. On their own, they are able to produce electrical signals, or some sort of electrical charge.
40. 42:42 The entities in referenced video as well as entities in referenced interview; The delicacy which they are consuming are/is electrical signals.
41. 43:50 Statement to my higher self; As referring to statement made by individual referenced; When human beings have feelings, they cause/create a magnetic charge around them, in their field. Feelings cause a magnetic charge.
42. 45:21 Statement for my higher self: Thoughts in human beings create electrical signals.
43. 45:45 Statement for my higher self: Thoughts in human beings create a magnetic charge.
44. 46:24 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; These entities are detected in tarot card readings.
45. 47:00 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; Those entities occupy the same space as we do. We share the same space.
46. 47:51 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; Those entities are encroaching in our space.
47. 48:29 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; Human beings and those entities, we live/exist in the same dimension.
48. 48:57 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; They do not have physical bodies.
49. 49:30 Received statement out of the blue: Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; Those entities are Astro-traveling entities. They are Astro-traveling.
50. 50:14 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; Those entities are Astro-traveling to our/this space.
51. 50:37 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; Those entities, they Astro-travel. They are in Astro-travel to wherever they do their thing here, to human beings. Whenever they are doing what ever they are doing, they are in Astro-travel at that time, when they do their stuff.
52. 51:32 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; Those entities, they have bodies somewhere on this earth. On the same earth we live on, but they are Astro-traveling to certain human beings, to do whatever it is they do to them.
53. 52:30 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; They are human beings who are Astro-traveling. And those human beings are on this earth.
54. 53:31 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; Those entities, those human beings. Those are human beings who are paid to do that. They are hired, they are consciously hired to do that, and that is their job.
55. 54:33 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video; Those entities only speak English.
56. 55:10 Entities mentioned in referenced interview, as well as in referenced video. Those entities basically target. Their main target, 90 percent of their target or more, are English speaking targets.
57. 56:45 Tarot card readings are able to pick up on Astro-travel. When there is an entity is Astro-traveling somewhere, tarot card readings are able to pick up on it.

#messages, #lies, #fake, #false, #falseperson, #clone, #creation, #creationmodel, #conciousness, #concious, #subconciousmind, #subconciousness, #subconcious, #model, #ball, #yarn, #connections, #divine, #divinefeminine, #divinemale, #twin, #ESP, #estrasensory, #perception, #channel, #channeling, #message, #knowledge, #advancedknowledge, #penetrate, #penetration, #expansion, #expanded, #ascension, #ascension, #astrology, #ascendedmaster, #master, #christconciousness, #tarot, #pendulum, #sun, #simulation, #aircraft, #simulated #fakesun, #tarot, #pendulum, #truth, #truthteller, #creation, #creator, #twinflame, #divine, #union, #divineunion, #divinemasuline, #dowse, #douse, #dousing, #dowsing, #simulation, #simulate, #simulationtheory, #sun, #simulation, #plasma, #aircraft, #fakesun, #lies, #fake, #false, #falseperson, #clone, #creation, #creationmodel, #conciousness, #concious, #subconciousmind, #subconciousness, #subconcious, #model, #ball, #yarn, #connections, #divine, #divinefeminine, #divinemale, #twin, #ESP, #estrasensory, #perception, #channel, #channeling, #message, #knowledge, #advancedknowledge, #penetrate, #penetration, #expansion, #expanded, #ascension, #ascension, #astrology, #ascendedmaster, #master, #christconciousness, #tarot, #pendulum, #sun, #simulation, #aircraft, #fakesun, #tarot, #pendulum, #truth, #truthteller, #creation, #creator, #twinflame, #divine, #soul, #union, #divineunion, #divinemasuline, #dowse, #douse, #dousing, #dowsing, #simulation, #simulationtheory, #sun, #simulation, #aircraft, #fakesun, #lies, #fake, #false, #falseperson, #clone, #creation, #creationmodel, #conciousness, #concious, #subconciousmind, #subconciousness, #subconcious, #model, #ball, #yarn, #connections, #divine, #divinefeminine, #divinemale, #twin, #ESP, #estrasensory, #perception, #channel, #channeling, #message, #knowledge, #advancedknowledge, #penetrate, #penetration, #expansion, #expanded, #ascension, #ascension, #astrology, #ascendedmaster, #master, #christconciousness, #tarot, #pendulum, #sun, #simulation, #doppleganger, #truth, #truthteller, #creation, #creator, #twinflame, #divine, #union, #divineunion, #divinemasuline, #dowse, #douse, #dousing, #dowsing, #simulation, #simulationtheory, #sun, #simulation, #sol, #aircraft, #fakesun, #solfalso, #astral, #underwater, #tarot, #pendulum, #dousing, #truth, #psyops, #control, #abuse, #unseen

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