(23) More Alterations to the Timeline

10 months ago

[Chapter 23: More Alterations to the Timeline]

As I mentioned before, I made these choice to submit to the Creator’s will and purpose for my life around the time I was in the 5th Grade. The Spirit of the Creator has been guiding me since then. It is like having another mind, the mind of the Victor, offering suggestions to you on the best course of action. It is like a subconscious gut feeling where your conscience tells you the right course of actions. It is like having another hemisphere in your brain that does not consciously communicate with your conscious brain. The weird thing is that the Spirit of the Creator is able to obtain knowledge from the future, so I can suggest something the Spirit of the Creator and I will remember that I had already done what is necessary in the past. It is similar to the movie the “Butterfly Effect” except I do not consciously experience the alterations to the timeline. Instead I remember things that I had done in the past and I realize how the Spirit of the Creator prompted me to do it in order to achieve some objective in the present. In my perspective everything seems improvised but it is actually planned out by the Spirit of the Creator. Therefore everything looks like it has been planned out by a mastermind when I am just improvising based on suggestions by the Spirit of the Creator.

The Spirit of the Creator can work all things for the good of those who submit the will of the Creator. Therefore the Spirit of the Creator can use for good my bad actions before the age of accountability. I try to love everybody in truth, no one has any evidence against me in court so I can cast the first “stone”, and I uploaded some of my books on “smashwords.com”. I am not claiming to have not sinned. I am simply claiming that I sinned before the age of accountability and any evidence against me after the age of accountability is immaterial, moot, or trivial. I submitted to the Creator and Victor so all my sins are pardoned and I strive not to transgress anymore.

I remember that when I was in elementary school I got sent to the Principal’s office three times. One time was from chasing other kids and pretending to try to kiss them because “I love them”. Another time I put a “smash”ball racket into a kid’s stomach after he intentionally threw my “smash”ball away from me. Another time I threw a pebble while playing dodgeball.

I also remember that I once received a bad note to take to my parents. I used scotch tape to rip the note off the paper and had my mom sign it. My plan was to tape the note back into the paper and return it to the teacher. However, it had been ripped too much to put back together so I just turned the signed paper back into the teacher without the note. The teacher noticed and I got in trouble.

I also remember at time I stole money from the counter that my mother was going to use to pay someone who was going to do some work in the house. I had to do extra chores to “earn” back all of the money I stole.

I remember I was supposed to practice the violin 10 hours a month for school homework, but I just had my dad sign that I had even though I didn’t. My mom had me make up all the hours during summer. I spent the summer playing “marry had a little lamb” and “twinkle twinkle” little star until I could see the sting indents in my fingers.

I remember I locked a neighborhood my mom was babysitting in the closet/bathroom so that it couldn’t be opened from the outside. My mom needed to explain to the neighborhood kid how to unlock the door from the inside in order for the kid to get out. I think I also stole one of the neighborhood kid’s toys. I got in trouble.

I remember that I said the “b” word in elementary school and god in trouble. I repeated a phrase I heard from somewhere “drop dead bitch”. I didn’t mean it in a nasty way, but I knew I wasn’t supposed to say it when I said it. I got in trouble.

I remember I said a mean thing to a baseball coach in “Single A” baseball when his team lost. I believe my exact words were “you deserved it”. I got in a lot of trouble. My dad picked me up and set me down in the planters. Someone thought my dad, who was the nicest man ever, was abusing me and called child protective services on him.

I remember I got spanked a lot as a child because quite frankly I deserved it. The spankings were not abusive, they didn’t cause any damage, and the pain was minimal. I could tell my parents were consciously trying not to hurt me when they spanked me. It was more the embarrassment that they had to try to make it look like they were spanking me that was the real emotional punishment.

I once even knew that I was going to be spanked so I put on like 7 pairs of sweatpants. When my parents spanked me I had to pretend to make a noise to make them think I could feel it. Once I forgot to make a noise and they figured out I was wearing 7 pairs of sweatpants and couldn’t feel anything. Even after I was back to 1 pair of pants, I remember thinking “this doesn’t really hurt” and remember thinking “even if it does hurt so what?”. Luckily I started turning around and outgrew my mischievousness before I was immune to the punishment.

The point is that I was not an angel child. I lied, cheated, and stole as a kid. I was a super cute kid too and knew how to use my cuteness to get whatever I wanted from strangers. When I was walking with my parents I could simply look at a stranger snacks or other treats and they would melt and aww do you want some. My mother would scold me for “begging with my eyes”. However, the point is that my parents held me accountable so that I would not be doomed to be an evil mischievous person my whole life. If anything my mom’s foible was erring on the side of caught and giving me too much tough love. My parents trained me to do things myself so that when I became an adult I would have the skills necessary to be independent.

My mother had me pack my own lunches for school. I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables. Some parents thanked my mother because when kids asked me why I was so good at soccer I told them it was because I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables. For some strange reason I liked to eat raw onions. My mother once found an onion in the refrigerator with a bite mark taken out of it. One of my teachers in elementary school also had a conference with my mother; the teacher asked my mother not to pack me raw onions in my lunch because it was stinking up the classroom.

In the 5th grade there was a child actor in my class. He was in The Little Rascals with a name synonymous with “yes”. He was also in a Domino’s pizza commercial for the edge pizza. One day he came to class with a fake snake bite made and tried to prank the teacher. The teacher’s last name was the same last name as Neo from the matrix. The teacher pranked him back by getting permission from his parents to have another student’s father who was a police officer come in and pretend to arrest the kid for lying.

One friend of mine was as neighbor who later moved to Oregon. My family drove up to Oregon to visit him a few times. Another friend of mine as a child moved away because his father worked in an embassy in Malaysia. He later went to the same college as me.

In preschool my Teacher would let me finish her decaffeinated coffee. You might think that caffeine would make me hyper but actually caffeine usually has the reverse effect on kids. I seem to have never grown out of it because still to this day caffeine has the reverse effect on me and makes me sleepy rather than hyper. I generally only have caffeine in the afternoon or late evening on certain occasions. My mother was just happy that I got along with my teacher and wasn’t causing major disruptions in preschool. In preschool there was one day they had a “gingerbread man” and we had to follow clues to find where the “gingerbread man” was hiding so that we could eventually eat him.

Both my parents each had extra vertebrae and had back problems. My mother had back surgery. My dad saw a chiropractor. I have also been told by a doctor in college that my body has a unique way of storing fat on my back. The doctor looked like she wanted to dissect me and do studies on me. I do not want to be anyone’s guinea pig. My favorite joke is that if a product isn’t tested on animals then you are the animal it is being tested on. I don’t advocate cruelty to animals. However, I also don’t advocate untested products on humans. There has to be some middle ground where something can be tested without causing suffering by warm-blooded creatures with souls such as mammals and birds. I remember in college my biology class forced us to suffocate rodents in an experiment where the oxygen would be removed using a chemical reaction. I remember thinking “this is messed up”. I’ve heard that many women are actually being slowly poisoned from heavy metals and other contaminants in the makeups they wear. Apparently they absorb pounds of chemicals through their skin. Wearing the wrong makeup might actually be causing some women to slowly go crazy.

This is a fictional story, but I am “being real with you” if you catch my drift. I can’t tell the truth in nonfiction otherwise the temporal terrorists will be “offended” and call the “butt hurt police” on me. By “butt hurt” I mean they will send the “secret police” after me for claiming I “hurt their feelings” or was “politically incorrect”, not the other kind of “secret police” for people who are one “r” short of an Italian strawberry.

I started to straighten out in the 5th grade and was straightened out by the 7th grade. By straighten out I mean I started to get good grades and not get into trouble. I do not mean that I wasn’t weird. I have always been weird, stranger, and unique or whatever word you want to use to describe someone who doesn’t fit inside the box of the man-made specifications for what “normal” should be. I have heard that if you are rich they call you a visionary, eccentric, peculiar, or iconoclastic but if you are poor they call you a problem. When people ask me “how are you?”, I sometimes say “well” and sometimes say “good”. When I say “well”, it is an adverb as in that I am doing well. When I say “good” it is an adjective as in that I am “good” as opposed to “evil”. When someone asks me “how are you doing?” the grammatically correct response is “Quite well, splendid indeed!”. I guess I am the weird one for having a mother who was a grammar Nazi. I know the correct grammar but sometimes find it useful not to use correct grammar. Sometimes using correct grammar seems pretentious. Grammar is a man-made construct, so it should be utilized when useful and taken with a grain of salt when not useful. No one makes fun of a poet for using incorrect punctuation. However sometimes in songs I find it annoying when they use “I” when they should use “me” or vice versa.

My wife doesn’t tell me the name of an item she wants me to bring to her. Instead my wife tells me the color of the item she wants me to bring to her, and I have to try to figure out what it is. I cannot tell if it is a sadistic game she is playing or if she cannot recall the name of the item she wants me to get or is too lazy to say the name of the item. Sometimes it is counterproductive to focus on the words someone says and is more productive to focus on the response they are trying to elicit from you. If you read between the lines to determine the response they are trying to elicit from you, you can be more helpful to friend or determine the objective or goal of a foe trying to manipulate you.

Some people think that intelligent people are all evil. That is not the case. There are some incredibly intelligent and clever good people. There are also some incredibly clever and intelligent evil people. Wisdom is correlated with goodness but intelligence is not.

The wisest people are all good. The most foolish people are evil. The problem is that some foolish people pretend to be wise and their followers are so foolish that they believe them. “Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows the fool?” The creators of “Star Wars” used temporal reception to steal my words in the past and put them into the mouth of Obi-wan Kenobi as a temporal “echo”. You might think I am joking too.

Some foolish people are incredibly intelligent but use their intelligence in a foolish manner. Some wise people are not very intelligent but have good common sense. Wisdom is like the compass or steering apparatus for guiding the purpose of the ship. Intelligence is like a motor that helps go faster in a particular direction. Foolish people go in the wrong direction. Wise people go in the correct direction. With enough time a wise person will always reach the correct destination. However a foolish person may travel faster and feel like he or she is making more progress with lots of turns, but he or she is actually going to take longer to reach the correct destination (and may never reach there at all).

The wisest thing I can tell you is that “goodness” leads to symbiotic relationships that help everybody and “evil” leads to parasitic relationships that yield a “zero sum game”. Good people have a symbiotic relationship with their Creator. Evil people have a parasitic relationship with their Creator. If I were to create something that has a symbiotic relationship with me, I would promote its long-term benefit. If I were to create something that has a parasitic relationship, I might try to correct it at first and then destroy it if it stubbornly refuses to be corrected. The wisest thing I can tell you is that “goodness” leads to truth and “evil” leads to lies. Good fiction tries to stay as close to the truth as possible and uses fictional metaphors for real things. People do not lie because they are intelligent and clever, but rather people lie because they are too weak or too impatient to achieve their objective by legitimate means. Sometimes however it is productive or more polite to say what will elicit the desired response rather than the actual meaning. For example if you want someone to leave, you might say “have a nice day” instead of “you may leave now”. However some people are duplicitous and say flattering words to you as they try to destroy your life to make you seem like an angry person for calling them out on it. It is wise to always take into account the effect words will have on people in addition to the actual meaning of the words. It is also wise to always take into account how other people are trying to affect you with their words in addition to the actual meaning of the words themselves.

There was one gymnast who was in all of my classes in elementary school and was in all 6 of my classes in the 6th grade. The gymnast had the last name of Spiderman. There may have been other “echos” in my past of this same last name. The more I write about things the more the temporal terrorists produce more “echos” as they try to create counterfeits to manipulate the timeline to their temporary advantage. Goodness leads to long –term benefit whereas evil leads to temporary advantage at the cost of long-term side-effects and eventual destruction. I remember walking with my head down and I bumped my head into the corner of an air-conditioning unit. I woke up on the ground a second later. I may have had a concussion or the temporal terrorists used this moment to rewrite my memories. This is the only time I have lost consciousness to my knowledge. I have never been drunk nor lost consciousness at any other point in my life to my knowledge. The temporal terrorists like to encourage people to get drunk so that they can erase memories and make it seem like a “blackout”. The temporal terrorist did try to drug my water when I was in telemarketing to make it seem like I had a stroke. It was the weirdest thing for about 5 minutes my mind knew the words I wanted to say but my mouth would not say it. The government keeps a backup copy of all the emails that are sent everywhere; they can check the backup copy to verify that what I said is accurate. They will not admit to the public that they keep this backup copy of emails however so they won’t use it as evidence just confirmation. I knew they were monitoring me and after me, so I bought “Cost Co” gummy snacks that looked just like my gummy vitamins. I put two gummy vitamins in with my Cost Co gummy snacks and pretended to mistakenly drop a gummy vitamin on the street. This was to trick them into thinking that I had overdosed on gummy vitamins when I ate the “Cost Co” gummy snacks. They probably took the vitamin gummy I dropped to the lab, analyzed it, and thought I was overdosing on vitamins when I ate my “Cost Co” gummy snacks. If they violate my privacy and are deceived by their misinterpretation, then they get what they get. When the Creator wanted to teach humanity about evil, the Creator said in a very rough translation “don’t eat the forbidden fruit, but if you do eat it then you get what you get”. The way an honest person deceives dishonest people is by planting red-herrings in places the dishonest person shouldn’t be snooping and violating the person’s privacy. I wonder if in the original timeline my counterpart actually did overdose on vitamins and the Spirit of the Creator was prompting me to recreate a parallel timeline without the side-effects.

In the seventh grade there was one girl whose name means “great sorrow”. I always thought it was weird that parents would give their daughter a name that means something bad. I made the mistake of telling this girl that I when I first heard about menopause I thought it was a very terrible drug because it had so many side-effects. I later received anonymous letters of a “secret admirer” that were initialed MP. I later found out the girl had sent me the letters as a prank and the MP stood for “menopause”. There was also a very beautiful girl with black hair whose name rhymes with “feather” who actually did like me and actually asked me if I would date her. The Spirit of the Creator prompted me to decline and say that I wasn’t old enough or ready to date. I actually thought at the time my parents wouldn’t let me date but later found out that they would have actually allowed it. It was probably for the best since she went to different high school, lived a separate life, and also eventually got married to someone else. There was one girl with beautiful curly hair in my science class. I would hold the door open for everyone in the class including her almost every day. That class had us dissect worms. Better worms without souls than rodents with souls. Scientists can make a computer program to model a worm brain because worms do not have souls. Scientists cannot make a computer program to model an mammal or bird brain because these animals have souls. I am waiting for scientists to create flying drones that are “piloted” by computer simulations of insect brains. All they have to do is make the insect brain think there is a flower or food at the location they want it to fly toward. I think we also made a cake of all the organelles inside the cell. What we learn is a gross oversimplification of the complex activities of the self-replication factory of a living cell. When scientists actually do look at the details of how a cell actually functions they will see the complexity and genius of the Creator. The school system indoctrinates the students in “abiogenesis”, which has no scientific foundation. It is taught as a “secular tradition” and rationalized using gross misinterpretations of the evidence. In the Seventh grade I was surprised that in history we learned things related to the Bible including the Exodus. There was one Cambodian girl whose last name resembles a needle pulling thread. She did well academically. I later learned that in Cambodia there was a famer’s revolution where they killed all their educated people. I don’t always agree with the education system indoctrinating students in evil things, but the farmer’s revolution seems like the other extreme.

In the Eighth grade I had an English teacher whose last name was that of a famous brand of soup. She told us that colleges were looking at students grades from the eighth grade. I remember crying that I only got a B+ and not an A and I was worried that it would impact my chances for college. In high school I made sure to get A’s in all my classes except that I got B’s for a few Honors or Advance Placement classes, but my Grade Point Average was over 4.0. In the Eighth grade my algebra teacher was the wife of a math teacher I would later have in an honors math class in high school. Their last name was so fitting math teachers that it seemed like a fake last name. It rhymed with the last name of the protagonist in the television series “24”.

My mother switched the school my brother was supposed to go to, so I want to that same high school. My mother used some special exception involving impacted schools. The school I went to was near a giant Ziggurat building used by the Federal Government. I have a theory that it is where all the federal agents send their children. The style of the Ziggurat building may have some satanic significance. When I was doing an online training at C2 Education, I put my “location” as the “capstone” of the Ziggurat building, which was accurate if you zoomed out far enough to a certain level of imprecision.

I played little league baseball up until double A. I did gymnastics until I could do a front handspring to do a flip throw-in for soccer. I did AYSO soccer all throughout my childhood. I later did Club soccer. I was on the Pateadores, whose name means to “maliciously stomp”. I was also on “West Coast”. I played soccer in high school. I got a letterman jacket and was a scholar athlete. One time when I took a toll road to my work I put the letterman jacket in the back window of my car. I then saw military vehicles and joke that I received a military escort to work.

One of my English teachers had the last name of the alleged profession of Alfred in Batman. I am pretty sure he was a temporal terrorist or influenced by temporal terrorists. I later saw him at Jimboy’s Tacos, which I think is a temporal terrorist organization. People kept allegedly winning small amounts in the lottery in the gas station attached to it. I say allegedly because they may have been doing psychological operations and been acting. There was a lady who worked in the gas station who claimed to be Colombian but looked like the Filipino princess/actress Bianca Laurel from “The Better Half”, “Unmarried Wife”, and “Your Face Looks Familiar”. I say princess because if you are the great-granddaughter of a president, that pretty much makes you a princess. The Colombian girl had a younger sister who eventually worked at the Jimboy’s Tacos. I thought it was interesting that the younger sister brought cucumber water in her water to drink.

There was also a kid from my high school whose last name resembles a Star Trek villain who kept coming through the drive through. I am pretty sure my AP Government teacher my senior year of high school was also a temporal terrorist or was influence by temporal terrorists. He allegedly drove to school every day from Santa Barbara. My school was nowhere near Santa Barbara. It wouldn’t surprise me if Santa Barbara is one of the cities completely infiltrated by temporal terrorists. It seems that my wife’s family keeps taking me to the same locations that my family originally took me. It is almost ask if they are trying to get the same items in a scavenger hunt created by the temporal terrorists.

Some of the people I think might be temporal terrorist might just be acting based on promptings by the Spirit of the Creator just as I am. It just seems like they have knowledge of the future, but it might just be the Spirit of the Creator manipulating reality toward a certain objective. People think that the laws of physics are what solely govern reality. The natural laws of physics are just one layer of the law. There are spiritual laws and there are natural laws. The spiritual laws are higher than the natural laws and the natural laws and fundamental conditions are rigged according to the spiritual laws. When people make all of their decisions based solely on natural laws, they wonder why everything doesn’t turn out the way they planned because it is all rigged according to the spiritual laws. The spiritual laws are kind of like the purpose and the natural laws are kind of like the mechanism. The Bible tells us how the Creator is in charge of everything and has a plan. What people don’t usually think about is that there is a real mechanism that the Creator uses to implement that plan. Knowingly the mechanism doesn’t make the Creator any less in control. The spiritual laws tell why the natural laws were rigged to achieve a certain outcome. Everyone has free will to implement choices within certain limitations. The Creator has implemented limitations within the natural laws so that no matter what we choose, the Creator’s plan will unfold one way or another. Our choices simply determine who will get the blame and who will get the rewards for the way it unfolds.

A soccer player who was a year older than me got accepted to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. I later applied and got into that college after being rejected from Cal Tech. It was probably for the best since my family probably couldn’t afford to send me to Cal Tech anyways. There was one Filipino girl on the high school soccer team whose brother also went to same college as me.

My freshmen year of high school the back to school dance was cancelled due to the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon by the temporal terrorists. The temporal terrorists carried out a covert coup and blamed it on someone else as a red-herring. Most of the alleged hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, which acts as a mercenary for the United States of America. The temporal terrorists then infiltrated the National Security Agency or “No Such Agency” as they like to call it. The temporal terrorists also infiltrated homeland security so that they could have complete control of the United States of America and could frame anyone that got in their way using false-flag acts of political terrorism. The war on terror was meant to be “continuous” according the principles of the dystopian novel “1984”. The book 1984 was the blueprint that the temporal terrorists were using to transform the United States into a police state after the coup.

I went to a dance once with a girl who had a dad was funny and showed me his bat, which was supposed to scare me into behavior with the implication that it would be used on me if anything went wrong. I went to once dance with a girl from my Art class. I went to winter formal with a girl with the same last name as a famous Latin music singer and actress. I went to prom 3 times in high school. The first time I went with a girl who I later reconnected with at the end of College and eventually married. It is funny because she wrote “worst time ever” on her “secret” diary she kept in the inside of her closet. The second time I went with a girl from my Church. Temporal terrorists stole her purse and she went home crying. The third time I went with a girl who went around the school with a sign asking anybody to go to prom with her.

My freshmen Honors English teacher was eccentric and pretended to have a hatred for Barbie dolls. One of our first assignments was to create a collage about ourselves. As a joke I created a Barbie collage in addition to my actual collage. The teacher called me “Barbie boy” from then on. Temporal terrorists eventually used CRISPR technology to give her cancer.

One assignment in one of my classes was to do a presentation in front of the class. I did a presentation on the parables Jesus spoke in the Bible. Another student whose nickname resembles a popular search engine did a presentation on Donald J. Trump. According to the presentation Donald J. Trump used to be over a billion dollars in debt and then realized that a homeless person with nothing was wealthier than him. Now Donald J. Trump is president of the United States of America, which probably didn’t happen by accident. Either the Creator is propping president Donald J. Trump up or the temporal terrorists are. You can tell which it is by listening to his Christmas speeches. A little birdy told me that certain parts of the government may have realized the coup attempt during the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks and implemented a continuity of government protocol to put in Donald J. Trump as president; the Russians got blamed as the red-herring to distract the public from the truth. Everyone knows that the United States government tries to influence the elections of other nations and vice versa.

I had a lot of energy as a kid. During grad night I pretty much ran around the whole time. They had this weird booth where you would get fake married to people and they would blow bubbles on you. I had bubbles blown on my twice.

Anywho… in college I did a lot of dancing. I did ballroom dancing, salsa dancing, and swing dancing. I did swing dancing at the Madonna Inn on Monday, ballroom dance practice on Tuesday, line dancing at the “Grad” on Wednesday, ballroom dance lessons on Thursday, and salsa dancing on Friday, Blues dancing on Saturday, and Swing dance lessons on Sunday along with swing Dancing at Mother’s Tavern afterward. I would also go to Church at the San Luis Obispo mission and eat a grilled chicken burrito at Baja Fresh afterward. When I was little, my mom used to buy my brother and me donuts after Church as a “reward” for being good at Church. You can never go wrong with glazed old fashion donuts.

One girl who was part of the Cal Poly Dance Sport Team had the same name as the daughter of a famous rapper. She seemed like she was one of the temporal terrorists who were given a false identity. They gave her a generic name so that no one could search for her. Allegedly pharmaceutical companies tried to exploit her mother’s genetic anomaly to create blood clotting agents.

For some reason I got put in the Agriculture dorm my freshmen year even though I was a physics major. Unintentionally, I learned a few random things like how they notching pig ears in different configurations for identification. I sometimes say “Howdy” instead of “Hi’ just to be different. It might also mean that I simply forgot your name. The first week of college is an interesting sight. It is a bunch of girls crying as they break up with their high school boyfriends.

There was one girl in college whose last name. I gave her red roses and tried to sing “A Whole New World” for her from Aladdin. I say “tried” because I am probably tone deaf and it probably sounded horrible, but she pretended to like it. She was my “first kiss”. I visited her at her family’s home during one summer. We went to a summer fair together, rode some rides, and listened to a concert. Nothing really happened except some kissing and shirtless (not topless) salsa dancing. Her old boyfriend had the same name of one of Adam’s children from the Bible. She eventually married someone else from our college. I think I gave her a Bible. I think I also relayed a message the Spirit of the Creator prompted me send under an email address that was something like “spirit messenger”.

I “won the lottery” for my second year of college. It was not the lottery you are probably thinking of. I won the lottery to get into Palomar. The resident advisor always wore flip flop sandals and never seemed to wear a shirt. My roommate was studying to become an architect. I joke that it is always good to have an architect around so that you can plant dreams in people’s heads like the movie “Inception”. There was a German student there who was part of a fraternity. I later lived in a Christian fraternity house my fourth year of college.

The physics majors like to hang out in the physics lounge, which was titled “h bar and grill” as a pun about Planck’s constant divided by two Pi. They liked to play Dungeons and Dragons like in the television series “Stranger Things”, which seems to be very loosely inspired by my life. One thing I want make clear is that I do not put vodka in my water if that what you were thinking. Did I tell you that the physics majors like to play a game called Portals? Because the temporal terrorists use my fiction for their psychological operations, whatever I write becomes like the “Never Ending Story” where the words written seem to play out in real life.

In college I also dated a girl with the last name of a villain in the Simpsons. She reminds me of Belle from the “Once Upon A Time” series. She really liked Matt Damon and the Borne Identity franchise. I don’t know if it was the way she kissed or if I was allergic to the chap-stick she used, but it left my lips numb. She was very sweet though, and I think I told her something to the effect that we are not compatible and gave her a stuffed animal. I think we watched the Borne Supremacy after that.

One of the people from the Newman Catholic center was dating a taekwondo instructor who held lessons in the gym. There was this very pretty Latina girl that I would go to taekwondo lessons with. I think she thought I was weird though because of the Donald duck, cat noises, and elephant noise I made.

My third year of college I lived in the “Sacred Heart” house Newman Catholic center. I stayed with people I knew from Cal Poly Dance Sport Team and Newman Catholic Center.

The Christian Fraternity house was. There was a really nice guy there with a last name that sounds like he was stingy but he was really nice. He used his truck to help me move my belongings to the Christian fraternity house. I remember that he introduced me to Thai food and I had mock duck. He also bought me my first beer after I turned 21, which was some fancy sounding German beer that sounded like it started with an H and had a p, v, and maybe an n sound in it. On my 21st birthday my friends from Swing dancing took me to Denny’s. They didn’t serve alcohol, so we went to the store and bought mojitos. They also gave me a shot of Stroh rum, which seemed to burn my throat as it went down.

After college I used my college degree to remove some staples patents owned by a company that is known for putting poison in people’s faces to remove wrinkles. I also did some data entry for a temp agency involving grass cuts from properties foreclosed on by the Banks. One my professors in college used to be a mayor. He said that the recession was going to be worse than we thought. It is not fun graduating from college during a recession.

I eventually was recruited into the first cohort of the Los Angeles Urban Teacher Residency program via Cal State University Los Angeles, and I thought I was going to be a teacher until the temporal terrorists sabotaged my career.

It was a 14 month program where I co-taught with a mentor physics teacher at Abraham Lincoln High School. After I graduated there were no good options so I eventually settled for a teaching position at a shady charter school Los Angeles International Charter School. They didn’t even give us employee handbooks at the beginning, which is how shady they are. It seemed like some kind of front for a money laundering scheme and I saw them counting cash a lot, which they claimed was for uniforms, which were compulsory and they had to pay in cash. It seemed like the temporal terrorists were setting me up for failure. The principal’s daughter was in one of my classes and she kept harassing me telling me how much she loved me. When I told the principal, she had me resign. There was also shady stuff where students were smuggling in aerosol contains to inhale them. Eventually the Los Angeles Urban Teacher Residency program helped me get a teaching position at West Adams Preparatory High School in Los Angeles. I taught physics and honors physics for 3 years there. I cleared my teaching credentials. The mentor for the program to clear my teaching credentials also used to be one of the mentor teachers for the Los Angeles Urban Teacher Program. He taught us all a interesting lab where the students try to figure out what will happen when you cut a Mobius strip in half. Apparently according to the Avengers Endgame movie a Mobius strip has something to do with time travel.

The temporal terrorists seemed to target me when I started teaching. My Dad was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and he eventually died my last year teaching at West Adams Preparatory High School. The temporal Terrorists also seem to have targeted the principal of West Adams Preparatory High School because his father died also and he resigned. I don’t want to go into too much detail from this point on because it might aid the temporal terrorists in their evil schemes to sabotage my life. Instead of going forward in time, we will now go backward in time.

I will now go backward in time recommend things to the Spirit of the Creator to change in the past that might be helpful in the future. The first alteration of that I listened to the radio station 99.5 KKLA on my commute to and from work in Los Angeles including the “Frank Pastore Show” before the temporal terrorist killed him in a motorcycle accident and replaced him with someone with his same first name so that no one would notice. Another alteration to the timeline is that I became a member of the American Center of Law and Justice in the year 2011. Another alteration to the timeline is that I also listened to 107.9, which I found on my wife’s car radio settings. Another alteration to the timeline is that I searched “Jesus is coming” and “Rapture Dream” on youtube to find videos of people who could relay me messages from the Spirit of the Creator. I had to sift through them to figure out which one were genuine and which ones were counterfeit frauds. Lisa Haven (Connections to Larry Nichols), Israeli News Live, and Barry Scarborough, and Bob Barber’s Endtime Dream and Visions seem to be accurate. Infowars/Alex Jones Channel (Connections to Roger Stone), Dahboo777, Dahboo77, Freedom Fighter 2127/Christian Journal, William Mount, Isabelle Paquette, Dockidds, Dawn’s Heartfelt Corner, and Blue Heaven seem to be semi-accurate with some unverified projections. Another alteration to the timeline is that I used Orthokeratology contact lenses in high school and the beginning of college. The Orthokeratology lenses were like retainers for my eyes were I could wear them at night and see perfectly in the daytime. Another alteration to the timeline is that I had braces and wore headgear at night in 6th grade. Another alteration to the timeline is that I ran the Dana Pont Turkey trot 10k once and 5k several times. Another alteration to the timeline is that I worked at Wienerschnitzel in high school. Another alteration to the timeline is that I worked at Lake Mission Viejo during the summer around when I started college. Another alteration to the timeline is that my senior project in college involved solving differential equations for the solution to a feedback loop. Another alteration to the timeline is that in college I jumped down flights of stairs to increase my bone density. Another alteration to the timeline is that I took a Game Theory class in college. Another alteration to the timeline is that one the professors I did summer research for gave me a free copy of Feynman’s Lectures, which my wife ultimately tore up.

I am out of time now. To be continued…

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