(24) Temporal Echoes and Temporal Nodes

10 months ago

[Chapter 24: Temporal Echoes and Temporal Nodes]

I want to point out again that I am writing this as fiction, but because of the temporal feedback loop there seems to be more truth to my fiction than some other people’s alleged non-fiction. There is a difference between knowing the future and causing the future. Sometimes when the temporal terrorists know the potential future they want to occur, they think they have to cause that future to occur so they do something that would make it seem like it would cause that potential future to become actualized. If that part of the future was actually caused by their action then it creates a feedback loop where it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. However, if that part of the future was actually supposed to be caused by something else outside their control, then a redundancy occurs, which is manifested as a “temporal echo”.

Sometimes the temporal terrorists purposely create temporal echoes as a form of gangstalking and psychological torture for their targeted individual. It is a way for the temporal terrorist to flaunt the fact that they know what their targeted individual is going to do ahead of time. However a large increase in temporal echoes has the byproduct of exposing the temporal terrorists making them easier targets for other factions to pick off. Sometimes one faction of temporal terrorists will use a targeted individual as a “honey trap” or “bait” to expose another faction of temporal terrorists. After the “sting operation” is complete and all the members of the faction are identified, the one faction of temporal terrorists will systematically eliminate the whole cell or faction of the other temporal terrorists. When there is a large increase in accidental deaths, suicides, or seemingly random mass shootings, often it is one faction of temporal terrorists eliminating another faction of temporal terrorists.

There was a resident advisor of Trinity dorm at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with the last name of the Agent in the movie “The Interview”. This resident advisor liked Siberian Tigers and dark chocolate. She was studying to become a veterinarian. A shooting occurred at a place with this same name as a temporal echo.

There is a youtube page for Isabelle Paquette that seems to be involved in promoting or forwarding psychological operations combining Christian truth with straw man fallacies like the “Flat Earth” theory. Unless we are living in a human zoo run by angelic entities trapped in a fake reality like the “Truman Show” with fake dome around it like in the television series “Ascension”, I am pretty sure the Earth is not flat. I can show you might curvature calculations for the change in the pathlength going around a curved “rectangle” on a two-sphere versus an actual rectangle in flat Euclidean geometry, but you might still not believe me until you fly in an airplane around the world going over Antarctica. I am pretty sure the temporal terrorists are hiding something in Antarctica. Maybe they have an angelic fleet trapped in the ice and they are using Global Warming as an excuse for them melting the polar icecaps to liberate their fleet. Thanks for the heads up Captain America. It might also be that the temporal terrorists promoted the “Flat Earth” theory hoping that the simpler uneducated portion of the Christian population would forward it and promote it. I am pretty sure the word “circle” is meant to stand for “sphere” in languages that don’t have a specialized word for “sphere”. I would read Isaiah 40:22 if you do not believe me. The Creator doesn’t show partiality; uneducated simple people can be saved just as educated complex people. The shape of the earth doesn’t really matter for getting into heaven but the shape of the earth seems to be more important for world travel and nations launching intercontinental missiles at each other. I could be wrong though and be stuck in a zoo like the Truman show and Isabelle Paquette’s youtube channel is hosted by an angelic being whose avatar is modeled after an actress in who plays a “Georgina” in “Gossip Girl” and the smoking gothic girl in the movie “Take Me Home Tonight”.

There was Peruvian girl from Paso Robles who came to salsa dancing Friday nights at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo occasionally. Her family had horses. Fun fact potatoes apparently originally came from Peru. Who doesn’t like potatoes? My wife’s family bought a horse as a temporal echo, which seemed to be prompted by the friend with the “Alice in Wonderland” tattoo. My wife’s younger sister seemed to be trying to mimic the Peruvian girl as a temporal echo or the temporal terrorists were manipulated her to do so. The “muffin man” had the horse killed because it was an obstacle for him to marry my wife’s younger sister and infiltrate my wife’s family.

My wife’s younger sister also had a friend who eventually got some “Alice in Wonderland” tattoos. She was probably removed and replaced with a “Replicant” similar to the movie “Blade Runner 2049”. A “Replicant” is a clone whose brain has been grafted with memories from a potential future using a 3D neuron printer and/or nanotechnology stints. Many of the people with tattoos are “Replicants”. The tattoos are used by the people who created the clones to mark which timeline they are from, what faction of temporal terrorists they are, and what the clone’s mission is. Her mission seemed to involve manipulating my wife’s family into riding horses. If the clone tries to abort its mission, it is easier to catch and neutralize if it is marked with a visible tattoo. There was some issue about a temporal echo concerning the spot the “muffin man” picked for the location of the proposal. The temporal terrorists encourage a lot of non-clones to get tattoos as a smokescreen. Just because someone has a tattoo doesn’t necessarily mean they are a “Replicant”.

The temporal terrorists may know how much time the Earth has before the Victor arrives and the age ends. The temporal terrorists may be creating multiple iterative copies of “Replicants” each iterative copy with new updated memories from the future at the end of the window of time, so that they can get as much work done as possible toward finishing whatever preparations they have left toward the implementation of the “Mark of the Beast”. A person will get as much work done as possible until right before the “end of the age” and then relay the memories back to a Replicant at the beginning of the time period. The Replicant will then get as much work down as possible until right before the “end of the age” and then relay the memories back to the next Iterative copy Replicant. This process will repeat itself until the job they are working on is finished or they run out of clone bodies to fill with grafted memories. The only limit seems to be how many clones they have on reserve and how much time it takes to update the memories of each iterative copy of the clones. The “Ghost Cities” in China may have been built to house all of these iterative copies of the Replicant Clones. The temporal terrorists may have falsely told the underlings that the “Ghost Cities” in China were going to be used as “safe havens” for them. However, they are probably going to kill all the underlings and use the “Ghost Cities” for the iterative copies of the Replicants. The temporal effects and amount of temporal echoes will probably drastically increase during this time-loop period leading up the Victor’s Arrival.

My wife’s younger sister had a friend who had the same name as the sister of the girl I went to Winter Formal with who had the last name of a famous Latina actress and singer. The friend was influenced by temporal terrorists who had access to information on the internet in the future. The friend said she had a phobia of objects with tiny holes. The temporal terrorists sent a “friend” of my wife’s younger sister to do temporal reconnaissance on us in a Taiwan airport. It seems like my wife’s younger sister knows someone everywhere because the temporal terrorists are sending spies to conduct temporal reconnaissance. My wife’s younger sister may have had another Vietnamese friend who was a temporal terrorist. She may have pretended to go on vacation to carry out an extended mission. Afterwards she may have gone to a tanning salon to make it look like she had gotten tan from her vacation. Many of the temporal terrorists will go to tanning salons to look like they have been on vacation during their extended missions.

My “cousin once removed” married a woman whose name is a permutation of the word “Gain”. The person who did the outdoor ceremony for my wife’s younger sister looked like a younger clone of him. This makes me think that my grandmother on my mom’s side, her sister my great aunt, and my wife’s family might be being manipulated by the same faction of temporal terrorists. My dad’s side of the family might be another faction that has the men being picked off using CRISPR technology to give them cancer. After my grandmother moved into the retirement community my wife used to work at, and accountant there got married to a man who owned a company that drove residents around in fancy cars. The man had the same first name as the last name as the Italian lady with the same name as a daughter of a famous rapper. The man’s brother was targeted with CRISPR technology and got cancer. The man had facial features very similar to the regional manager of Jimboy’s Tacos. I wonder if they were brothers or “Replicant” clones in different disguises.

While cloned “Replicants” get permanent tattoos, people who choose to become slaves or indentured servants to the temporal as an alternative to going to prison or jail. Usually these slaves or indentured servants will wear piercings to signify they are a slave or indentured servants. My wife’s family told me that piercings can easily get infected, which makes me think that my wife’s family at one time may have been indentured servants to the temporal terrorists as payment for helping them become citizens of the United States of America. The temporal terrorists encourage the general population to get piercings as a smokescreen. Just because someone has a piercing doesn’t necessarily mean they are a slave or indentured servant to the temporal terrorists. A single piercing in each ear to wear ornamental earrings is often just a sign of affluence in women. It is the facial piercings, body piercings, or large holes in the ears that usually denote slavery or indentured servitude to the temporal terrorists. There was a girl with blond hair and a nose piercing or nose ring at a working at a Chipotle restaurant in San Clemente at the beginning of 2017. This makes me wonder if Chipotle is a temporal terrorist organization. I once saw in the news that former President Barrack Obama visited a Chipotle and tried to reach over the glass. This was supposedly symbolic of his “Presidential Overreach”. I have also seen in the news celebrities and Chipotle workers with partially shaved heads. This seems to be another sign of an indentured servant slave to the temporal terrorists. I once had an alleged job interview at a Chipotle and the person didn’t show up. I was told to wait for the person to come, but it seemed like a setup so I left. Whenever I hear the word “hair” and the word “ring” in the same sentence, I think of the word “herring” as in a “red herring” or distraction meant to mislead someone. My wife likes to have red hair, and she used to have a belly button ring that got infected.

My wife and her older sister worked at the same retirement community. My wife’s sister got a job there as a “temporal echo”. When my brother and I were little, we told everyone that our “dream car” was a Toyota RAV 4. If the temporal terrorists knew they needed a new RAV 4 car for their desired potential future to become actualized, it might create a temporal echo where multiple people buy the same car or one person buys the same car multiple times. If the temporal terrorists were trying to manipulate someone to buy the same car a second time they might cause a minor accident to increase the probability that the victim will have to rebuy the car.

I think that the temporal terrorists manipulating my wife’s family knew that I was going to be married to someone who had been a dentist or dental assistant, dated a dentist or someone studying to be a dentist, and/or had special bartering relationship with a dentist for dental services. I think this because there seem to be a lot of temporal echoes involving dentistry concerning my wife’s family. My wife’s mother used to be a dentist before she came to the United States of America. This makes me think my mother-in-law was being manipulated by temporal terrorists acting on some prophecy involving the field of dentistry.

Sometimes the temporal terrorists unwittingly try to change a temporal node. A temporal node is an occurrence that is already fated or chosen in advance; it will unfold one way or another and it cannot be thwarted. Temporal nodes sometimes can be changed slightly by one faction of temporal terrorists to scapegoat another group of temporal terrorists as pawns to take the blame in order to make a non-temporal terrorist avoid a negative byproduct of one of their bad choices or to make a non-temporal terrorist get more rewards for one of their good choices. This is called the “moronic patsy scheme”. Judas Iscariot was the moronic volunteer of a “moronic patsy scheme”. Temporal nodes sometimes can be delayed within a certain window of opportunity. The temporal terrorists might be able to delay the event at the cost of making it worse when it does eventually happen. This is called a “Ponzi scheme”. The movie “Final Destination” is about a Ponzi scheme where temporal terrorists try to prevent the death of a group of people when their deaths were temporal nodes. The moral of the story is that temporal terrorists cannot change a temporal node and they usually make things worse for themselves when they try.

The temporal terrorists are sometimes deluded into thinking they have more control over their lives by knowing the potential future, but they actually have less control of their lives. The only additional choice the temporal terrorists have is when to look at the potential future and what to look at. The best choice is to never look at the potential future. When the temporal terrorists look at the potential future they actually create self-fulfilling prophecies that make things worse because of the negative side-effects they unwittingly cause.

The temporal terrorists are also deluded into thinking that they will not be held accountable for their evil actions because they falsely claim they were “forced” to do it by the self-fulfilling prophecy. The temporal terrorists made the “choice” to look at the self-fulling prophecy and made the “choice” to believe it and act on it. The temporal terrorists are responsible for all their actions for their “choice” to look at the self-fulfilling prophecy and their “choice” to believe it and act on it. When you make a “choice” that leads to an evil action you cannot say that you didn’t have any free will. The best “choice” is to genuinely ask the Creator for help making good “choices” and genuinely choose to try to implement those good “choices”, so that you can at least put some of the responsibility back on the Creator to help you. I think it would be harder for the Creator to put blame on you if you asked the infallible Creator for help making choices rather than asking a fallible crystal ball for help making choices.

The temporal terrorists are too foolish to realize that everything is going to backfire on them in the long-term. Their swords will enter their own hearts and their bows will be broken. When the temporal terrorists look at the potential future, it is not a question of “if” it will backfire on them but “when” it will backfire on them. The “right thing to do” is constant and never changes. If you do the right thing in the short term it will still be the right thing to do in the long term. The temporal terrorists make the mistake of not doing the right thing and doing the wrong thing in the short term to yield a temporary advantage in the intermediate term at the cost of huge detriment or total destruction in the long term. The temporal terrorists trade their eternal rewards and eternal inheritance for an earthly temporal bowl of soup. Esau was an example of a moronic volunteer of a “moronic patsy scheme” and traded his inheritance to Jacob for a bowl of soup.

The “Bandersnatch” episode on the “Black Mirror” series on Netflix was a temporal echo about a temporal node. There are some temporal nodes with different paths to get between them. The difference between the “Bandersnatch” episode and reality is that in reality you do not choose things in a linear chronological order. You choose the temporal nodes in your life first in advance. Then you choose the paths between the temporal nodes afterward. Your soul experiences the events in your life in a chronological order but your mind chooses them in a non-chronological manner. One of the faults of “Bandersnatch” is that it has a secular worldview built into it. The problem with many secular worldviews is that they think that by doing the right thing they are actually going to be penalized in the long term because they don’t fully understand the concept of discipline. If you do the right thing, you will always eventually be rewarded in this temporal life and/or eternity. If you do thing right thing you will often have a temporary disadvantage, which is often mistaken for “punishment” but is actually “discipline” that will yield a worthwhile benefit in the long term. The problem is that the secularists don’t genuinely believe in a Creator and don’t genuinely believe in eternity. It is impossible for them to receive the full eternal reward and inheritance if they do not genuinely believe that there is a Creator, the Creator has communicated what is right, and that the Creator rewards those who actually do what is right. No one said it would be easy, they only said it would be worth it.

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