De-Stress and Have Fun Doing It - Anyone Can Do This!

1 year ago

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In this video we're going to de-stress and have fun doing it. Yes, we're going to start singing! Singing is one of the most freeing and stress relieving things we can do and anyone can do it, anywhere at any time!

No you don't have to be a good singer to do this, it isn't the point!

We want to find songs we can emotionally connect with each day and sing along to them pushing out the negative emotions and feelings through our voice. By making that connection we can release all the tensions, stresses and pain that we hold inside.

Whilst you'd get the same effect with a good old scream we can't be screaming every day just to de-stress but we can sing.

Even if you're not a singer or have no interest give this a try you never know you might even find a new hobby to enjoy!

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