Can you fit an Entire Windows App inside a QRCode?

1 year ago

060421 Like and subscribe. This is an archive, check the link in the end if you are owner. Dave attempts to build a tiny Windows 10 application small enough to fit inside a standard QR code and then shows how he packages his app inside the barcode (and NOT just a link to it!)/

Dave builds his tiny Windows app in x86 assembly language before using the MASM linker to merge sections and perform other tricks to keep the binary small through linking. He also describes Crinkler, the compressing linker, which brought his app down to 799 bytes.

8-Bit Guy on Boot Sector Games:

Boot Sector Game books:

Check out MattKC's video on putting a tiny game inside a QRCode! I believe I erroneously say it's not a Windows app, but I went back and freeze-framed and saw BeginPaint, RegisterClass, all that, so my bad, it clearly -is- a full Windows app!

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