Computer History: 1961 IBM 1210 Reader-Sorter MICR Check Processing 1401 BANKING Automation

1 year ago

220221 Like and subscribe. This is an archive, check the link in the end if you are owner. Computer History: IBM 1401 and IBM 1210 Reader-Sorter MICR processing. Dated 1961
The following film shows how the all-transistorized IBM 1401 Data Processing System delivered advanced capabilities with 1210 MICR Reader-Sorter for direct processing of paper documents imprinted with magnetic ink, for automated bank demand deposit accounting, account reconciliation, and other banking functions. Good description of the Reader-Sorter and how MICR was used. This excerpt from an IBM film, includes all but 3 minutes of the original film. Great historical information.
The IBM 1210 was announced in January 1959 it could read and sort up to 900 checks per minute. It was withdrawn from marketing on September 16, 1960.

Many Banks installed the 1401 system with the 1210 MICR Reader-Sorter, during the early 1960's, including:

Pacific National Bank, Seattle, WA
First National Bank of Jackson, Mississippi
Union Bank, Los Angeles, California
Martins Bank, London, UK
Bar clay’s Bank, London, UK

MICR= Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
The 2010 Reader-Sorter was part of the IBM 1200 Character Sensing product line.
More advanced units followed, such as the IBM 1419 and others.

See IBM Manual of Data Processing Systems (Bitsavers)

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