The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 7 of 26

1 year ago

Part 07. Khalezov is asked by his interviewer about his book which suggests that the
American Government exploded a nuclear weapon underneath the World Trade Center
buildings 1 and 2. Khalezov corrects his interviewer by mentioning that his book does not
actually “suggest”; it PROVES that the Towers were demolished by nuclear devices.
Secondly, he says that it is not correct to call such a device a “weapon”, because a
weapon is something that is primarily intended to kill people, while nuclear demolition
devices under the WTC were not intended to kill anyone therefore they could not have
the status of a “weapon”. But, still, they were nuclear devices. From this point Khalezov
proceeds to explain how such a nuclear demolition scheme actually works. First he refers
to an article which he wrote for Wikipedia at a request of some of his followers. He says
he wrote an “academic-looking” article in which he explained in purely technical terms
how to use a nuclear device to demolish a single skyscraper. However, this article did not
exist on Wikipedia longer than a week. It was accused of being a “crazy conspiracy
theory” and removed, despite the fact that there was no World Trade Center mentioned in
it - it was a purely a technical article, no politics, no conspiracies involved. Khalezov
said he was obliged to re-post the removed Wikipedia article which is now available on
this new address:
Then he proceeds to explain how such a nuclear demolition scheme actually works. First of all,
there is a big difference between an atmospheric- and an underground nuclear explosion. Many people
confuse them and it seems that it is difficult for many of them to comprehend that an
underground nuclear explosion was indeed used to demolish the Twin Towers without
causing typical “atomic” damage to their surroundings. Then Khalezov proceeds to
explain the physical properties of an atmospheric nuclear explosion and those of its main
destructive factors: air-blast wave, thermal radiation, ionizing radiation, radioactive
contamination and EMP (Electromagnetic pulse). He explains in detail that some air is
needed for the creation of the two main destructive factors of an atomic blast - i.e. its air-
blast wave and thermal radiation. Therefore neither of these two factors could pertain to
an underground nuclear explosion due to the absence of air in such a case.

Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

Part 8

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