The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 1 of 26

1 year ago

The Third Truth about 9/11. World Trade Center nuclear demolition.
Interview of Dimitri Khalezov, a former officer of the Soviet nuclear intelligence. The interviewer is Owen Le Winton


This is the first part of an interview and a video-presentation by a certain Mr. Dimitri A.
Khalezov, a former officer in the Soviet nuclear intelligence. It is divided into 26 parts,
10 minutes each.

The interview is apparently intended to serve as an introduction to Dimitri Khalezov’s
new book named “The Third Truth”. However, the introduction of the book is followed
by quite a detailed explanation of very important particulars of 9/11, and even without the
actual book, this video could be considered as some of the most comprehensive 9/11
research ever shown to the public.

In this presentation it is explained in detail how US Government officials used three
underground thermo-nuclear explosions to demolish three buildings of the World Trade
Center in New York during 9/11 events: the WTC Twin Towers and the WTC building
#7. In addition, it is explained why the US Government was obliged to demolish these

It is claimed here that the US Government has actually three levels of 9/11 “truths”. One
“truth” - for consumption by the general public (i.e. a version expressed by the 9/11
Commission Report. Another - an “awful” and “confidential” one - for exclusive
consumption by middle-ranking officials. And the third one - the real truth, which is
known only to high-ranking US- officials and to some foreign dignitaries, to whom it was
confided by the US authorities.

It is explained that the Pentagon was struck not by a passenger plane - American Airlines
Flight 77 - as claimed by a “public” version of the 9/11 “truth”, but by a certain nuclear-
tipped supersonic cruise missile which was later found unexploded in the middle of the
Pentagon. The US officials were handed information (apparently by some “friendly”
secret services) that two more similar nuclear warheads were allegedly planted by a third
party in the upper floors of the WTC Twin Towers. The responsible US officials had no
choice than to believe that claim, because an unexploded 500 kiloton nuclear warhead
found in the Pentagon was a tough means to convince them. Therefore the US officials
feared that the entire city of New York could be destroyed by a powerful nuclear airburst
if they did not react promptly. It was decided to collapse the WTC Twin Towers by their
in-built demolition feature that was, in turn, based on nuclear demolition charges
positioned at 77 meters below the earth’s surface under each Tower.

Upon exploding deep underground these nuclear demolition charges produced powerful
“crushing waves” that were directed upwards and pulverized the entire Towers’ bodies up
to 300-350 meters, which caused the Towers to collapse in a very strange manner that
was shown on all contemporary 9/11 TV footage.

Dimitri Khalezov claims that he knew about the existence of the WTC Twin Tower’s
built-in nuclear demolition scheme a long time ago - back in the ‘80s, when he used to
serve as an officer at the Soviet nuclear intelligence. According to him, the Soviet side
was informed about the existence of the WTC nuclear-demolition scheme, based on the
provisions of a so-called “Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty”* between the USSR and
the United States which laid obligations to each party to inform the other party of any
nuclear explosions for non-military purposes. The WTC nuclear demolition scheme, in
turn, existed because of some apparent bureaucratic provisions in the New York Building
Code. The Department of Buildings of New York could not issue permissions to build
skyscrapers unless some satisfactory demolition scheme was provided in advance. In the
case of the incredibly rigid steel Twin Towers it was apparently impossible to bring them
down by any conventional controlled demolition methods; therefore it was decided to use
underground nuclear explosions, instead of conventional explosives. The Department of
Buildings of New York apparently approved such a demolition idea back in the ‘60s and
issued a permit to build the World Trade Center. Since the Twin Towers were built, their
in-built nuclear demolition scheme was always in place and ready to be used in case of
emergency. In 9/11 such an emergency indeed occurred and the nuclear charges under the
WTC were put to use.

The WTC Building #7, according to Khalezov, was demolished by a similar nuclear
demolition method - because it was a commanding structure of the entire WTC complex
and the US officials later decided to get rid of the WTC-7 in order to hide evidence of the
nuclear demolition arrangements from a possible public inquiry. Moreover, according to
his claims, the Sears Tower in Chicago too had its in-built nuclear demolition scheme -
similar to that used in the Twin Towers and the WTC-7. And this was exactly the reason
why the Sears Tower in Chicago was ordered to evacuate during 9/11 events and its
evacuation order was transmitted within only 3 minutes after the WTC South Tower’s

The rest of the film deals with various important parts of the 9/11 perpetration and its
ensuing governmental cover-up. For example, it is explained and demonstrated by an
example of two pre-9/11 English dictionaries, that “ground zero” in pre-9/11 English had
no other meaning than “a spot of a nuclear or thermo-nuclear explosion”. It is shown also
how in the ensuing 9/11 cover-up the US officials had English dictionaries reprinted in
order to re-define the “ground zero” term by “broadening” its former meaning and
making its nuclear allusion less conspicuous.

Part 01. Introduction. Three complete definitions of the “ground zero” term from three
largest, unabridged, encyclopedic pre 9/11 dictionaries are quoted - all having no other
sense than “a center of an atomic or a thermo-nuclear explosion”. Mr. Dimitri Khalezov
is introduced next as a former officer of the Soviet nuclear intelligence. He explains that
he used to be a commissioned officer of the 12 th Chief Directorate** of the Defense
Ministry of the former USSR, but actually he served in its smaller department which was
called “Special Control Service”, otherwise known as the “nuclear intelligence”. The 12 th
Chief Directorate was an organization in the Soviet Union responsible for safe keeping
and for technical maintenance of the entire nuclear arsenal of the state, as well as for
nuclear testing. The “Special Control Service” was responsible for detecting nuclear
explosions of various adversaries of the former USSR. Therefore Khalezov claims to
have a certain experience in regard to nuclear explosions. He claims that he learned from
his former service about nuclear demolition of the World Trade Center in New York. It is
explained also that the American FBI attempted to link Khalezov to several important
terror figures - such as the 9/11 hijackers and 2002 Bali bombers, notably Mr. Hambali,
alleged right-hand of Osama bin Laden and the leader of “Jemaah Islamiah” terrorist
organization. Khalezov was accused by the FBI of supplying a fake passport to Mr.
Hambali and his extradition to America was demanded from Thailand. A certain FBI-
composed chart is shown (copied from a court-case) where a certain terrorism structure is
depicted. On that chart Khalezov is shown in the same row with a certain Doctor Hadji
Muhammed Husseini, who is claimed to be a chief 9/11 perpetrator, with Mr. Hani
Hammoer, who is accused of supplying travel documents to the 9/11 hijackers, and with
Mr. Hambali - an alleged “Terror Kingpin” as stated by a front page of “Time”
magazine. Khalezov says he was arrested on those charges, which charges he has always

*Here is a view of "The Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty of 1976":

**Here is a definition of "12th Chief Directorate":

Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

Part 2:

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