The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 8 of 26

1 year ago

Part 08. Khalezov explains the physical properties of a deep underground nuclear
explosion followed by graphical illustrations. The main sense of the explanation is that
neither any air-blast wave, nor thermal radiation could be created in the case of an
underground nuclear explosion. When it comes to ionizing radiation - it will be created
even by an underground nuclear explosion, but it can’t travel up to the earth’s surface,
because it will be stopped by surrounding rock. Almost the entire explosive energy of an
underground nuclear charge will be used, instead, on creating an underground cavity
which will result from the disappearance of the evaporated rock. An exact size of such a
cavity could be calculated in advance, because it is known that 1 kiloton of nuclear
munitions could evaporate about 70 tons of dry granite rock. Khalezov says that in the
case of the World Trade Center 150-kiloton nuclear charges were used. When asked why
he knew the exact yield he laughs and answers that he knew it from his former service in
the Soviet nuclear intelligence, and, besides, the Americans could not use more powerful
nuclear devices anyway because 150 kiloton was a legal limitation imposed by the
“Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty” between the United States and the Soviet Union.
That is why they were exactly 150 kiloton. Such a 150 kiloton underground nuclear
explosion could create an underground cavity of roughly 100 meters in diameter (50
meters radius). Khalezov explains also that gases which were formerly rock inside the
underground cavity would crush neighboring areas of the rock by their high pressure. As
a result two unique zones of destruction would be created around the underground cavity.
One - immediately adjacent to the cavity that in nuclear jargon is called “crushed zone” -
will be filled with completely pulverized microscopic material, each particle of it
comparable with the diameter of a human hair. All materials within this zone will be
reduced to complete microscopic dust - steel, granite, concrete and even human beings.
The next zone around the “crushed” one that in nuclear jargon is called the “damaged
zone” will be filled with materials broken to smaller debris, but not to complete dust.

Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

Part 9:

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