“Pro-choice” is nothing but an emotional cult

1 year ago

The “pro-choice” side of things cannot agree on anything. They cannot agree on what abortion is—basic “healthcare,” something to “shout” to the world and be proud of, or always a tragic and heartbreaking decision for a woman but still one that she needs access to. “Pro-choice” people can’t agree on whether abortion should be “safe, legal, and RARE” or merely safe and legal—or perhaps safe, legal, and common? They can’t agree on whether abortion is a necessary evil, or inherently good and a net positive for women and society. They can’t agree on whether to have any restrictions on abortion at all, and if so, when and under what circumstances. They cannot agree on when life begins, or on when life begins to “matter”—at viability? After birth? They agree on nothing.
And this is because they do not have science on their side, or morality, or logic, or rationality. They ONLY HAVE EMOTION—intense, even arguably justified emotions, but emotions nonetheless. And so it doesn’t matter to them whether their POVs are consistent amongst each other or indeed, even within themselves, as long as they adhere to what the cult instructs them to think.

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