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1 year ago

On the evening of April 9, 2023 I, Patrolman Colton Hardin, was dispatched to 1201 South Oak Street in regards to Mr. Charlie Morris harassing the residents and their guests while they were having an Easter get together. As I was travelling east on East 12*h Street and approaching South Oak Street I noticed a white pickup truck sitting about fifteen yards away from East 12th Street in front of the residence of 1201 South Oak Street, and a group of people seeming to be having an argument with the driver of the vehicle. As I turned onto South Oak Street the white pickup truck sped off at a high rate of speed south on South Oak Street past approximately eight children playing in the front yard of 1201 South Oak Street. The driver was driving in such a reckless manner that if any of the children would have happened to go out in the street the vehicle could've caused serious injury or death. I watched the vehicle travel to 1213 South Oak Street and stop. I made contact with the group of people at 1201 South Oak Street and asked if they were the ones Mr. Charlie Morris had been harassing. They said they were. They stated that Morris was going on about how Morris owns South Oak Street and that if they did move their vehicles then he would use his vehicle to move them. I then went to 1213 South Oak Street to make contact with Morris. The vehicle I witnessed speed away from 1201 South Oak Street was sitting in front of 1213 South Oak Street. It was a white 1994 GMC Sierra with Arkansas license plate USAFKRP and was registered to Charlie Morris. Myself and Corporal Williams made several attempts to make contact with Morris and Morris would not come to the door. I have started the affidavit process, charging Morris with eight counts of endangering a the welfare of a minor in the second degree, fleeing, harassment, and obstruction of government operations.

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