McCarthy: I Told Biden I'd Get "Soft Food," Whatever It Takes To Talk About Debt Ceiling

1 year ago

McCarthy: I Told Biden I'd Get "Soft Food," Whatever It Takes To Talk About Debt Ceiling

April 27, 2023
Speaker McCarthy in an interview with NewsNation host Nichole Berlie on Thursday said he would do "whatever it takes" to sit down with President Joe Biden to discuss raising the debt limit.

"He has ignored us for 85 days," McCarthy said. "So I'm fearful if we get to that moment in time, it's very clear, one side, raise the debt ceiling so we wouldn't be in jeopardy. And another side has done nothing. So I don't know. I've encouraged the President to meet. I told him I'd get soft food, whatever it takes, we could sit down, we can meet together. He refuses. So he's putting our economy in jeopardy and I'm fearful that the American public will be very upset with him if he does it."

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