Dog Facts - I Bet You Don't Know πŸΆπŸ˜œπŸ˜‰ #dogs #doglovers #dogfacts #dogsofinstagram #dogshorts #shorts

1 year ago

Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not completely colorblind. While their vision is different from that of humans, they are able to see some colors, just not as vividly as we do. The canine visual system is composed of specialized cells called cones that are responsible for color perception. Unlike humans who have three types of cones, dogs have only two. This means that they have a limited range of color vision and are primarily able to see shades of blue and yellow. In fact, it is believed that dogs' color vision is similar to that of a person who is red-green colorblind.

Despite their limited color vision, dogs have other sensory abilities that more than make up for it. Their sense of smell, for instance, is much stronger than that of humans, and they are able to pick up on scents that are undetectable to us. Additionally, dogs have excellent hearing and are able to pick up on sounds that are too faint for humans to hear. All of these sensory abilities combine to create a unique perception of the world that is quite different from our own.

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