Using Follow Up to Convert Prospects into Clients

1 year ago

While it is important to lead generate, the value and closed transactions happen when you follow up. It is paramount for your business that you develop strategies to nurture relationships and touch base with people who express an interest in your product or service. This is because if you don't follow up with your prospects someone else will and they will close the deal. After all, the average person's contacts are in roughly 100 databases (from when you sign up for a new Social Media profile, credit card, etc.).

It is by following up with your prospects and your existing clients that you ensure that your business grows. It also fosters brand loyalty. You can better seize opportunities to upsell and cross-sell products and get great referrals. You can even get meaningful feedback from your clients that if acted on can either help you to save money or make more money for your business

However, it can only be achieved if you become diligent in following up with your clients. If it is even for an hour each day. Lead generation is worthless without follow-up.

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