Article Video - Why We Blame the Civil Service - Friday, April 7, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Why We Blame the Civil Service - Friday, April 7, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claims, March 6th 2005 - January 19th, 2023 in seq:

A few days ago we covered in some detail what we hold against the military subcontractor run by the British Crown Municipal Corporation Subcontractor as a Territorial Mercenary Force, the equivalent of an American Raj. Now we turn our attention to the Federal Civil Service and its sins against their American Employers.

The Federal Civil Service makes up the other side that has been necessary to keep the phony Mercenary Conflict and Government Substitution Fraud going for over 150 years.

They are the inheritors of the Federal Civil Servants who fought in the so-called American Civil War with the Southern State-of-State forces known as The Confederate States of America.

The Southerners had the good grace and honesty to admit that they were operating as "Confederate States" and not as actual "States", and thereby at least tacitly admitting that they were engaged in a Mercenary Conflict, not an actual declared War.

The military end of this giant crime has been promoted by Britain and the Crown operating in Territorial capacity, while the civilian service end of things and especially the federal postal service, have been handled directly by the Holy See and its subcontractors from the very beginning.

This initial role for the original Holy Roman Empire employees was very limited, but as we shall see, these positions and the use of these bureaucrats as "slaves" of the British Territorial military has had a profound and severely damaging effect for them and for us, beginning in the 1930's during the Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

It was under FDR's mandate to create as many federal jobs as possible that dozens of new government departments and over 350 "Federal Agencies" were created, and an estimated 85% of these new Municipal Corporations and federal personnel had nothing to do with the military. They were mostly civilian bureaucrats, initially operating under the direction of the Holy See and its Municipal Corporation subcontractors --- and for a while, all went well enough.

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