Article 4900 Video - Stand Up - Wednesday, June 19, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

2 months ago

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Article 4900 Video - Stand Up - Wednesday, June 19, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

It's really simple. When we ask, "Are you an American-- meaning someone who was born in this country or who has become naturalized to this country?" -- you stand up.

Yes or no?

We claim that the vast majority of the people in this country think of themselves as and believe that they are Americans --- not British Territorials, not foot soldiers of the Holy Roman Empire.

This idea that we are Americans and nothing else derives from another baseline definition, as we each think of ourselves in terms of our nation-states, and consider ourselves to be Californians, Hawaiians, Texans, Floridians, Wisconsinites, and so on.

Not once do the vast majority of us have to stop and consider whether or not we belong to the population of a British Territory.

Or a Roman Catholic Municipality.

Most of us know exactly who we are and where we are.

It's the rest of the world -- and a few self-interested public employees-- who are confused.

So let's make it crystal clear.

Stand up. Look around. Realize that you have been lied to and lied about for a long time.

Reclaim your birthright and get your claim on the record.

Go to: today.
And don't be deterred because Google or some other search engine says the site is not secure; it's not "secure" because it doesn't belong to them.

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