March 26, 2010 🎺 Separation of My Harvest... Seek My hidden Treasures for the first Harvest

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Separation of My Harvest! Seek My Treasures in the Fields of the first Harvest

March 26, 2010 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For The Lord’s Sons, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

My sons, trust in My ways, and look not to your own… Obey only, with all trust, because of that love we share.

I have many hidden treasures… In this much My servant has spoken well. Listen to him, for this is wisdom in service. Even at present, this is My will for you… For I send you out, to seek the few, that I may bless them by you. It is not the many, for which you are sent out this day, but the few.

Therefore, I shall speak to this day before you, even of My will, which is both simple and plain, also to the wisdom thereof… Go to the college next to you, and go into every building that is open to you, and seek out a place to display My Word. Be attentive and read the writing thereof, to honor it… Break not the rules, nor disobey the guidelines. For that done, which is acceptable, will remain for the next passerby; and that removed, due to a violation, profits no one, and will be removed throughout.

For in the same way I send you out seeking My treasure, so also do I call to My sheep, to seek out the gift which you have left for them… I am The Good Shepherd… And I have never ceased from shepherding My flock.

So then, do as I command you, and add not to it nor take from it, and be watchful and alert while doing so. Watch for those I send to you while you are yet walking, for next to you there are many treasures, and several who shall soon be Mine. You will not find them all this day, neither are you able to be led to each and every one. Rather, it is I who shall call them out and turn their hearts to Me, and give them an eye to look and to notice… Even I shall draw them to this Word.

Therefore, go with joy on your faces, with eagerness in your hearts, and with rejoicing in your speech… And share My gifts, leaving them also for the passerby, even as many as I call… Even for the scoffer, so they may also look upon it to reject it.

Then, when it is accomplished, go and do as you will and that which you desire… Lo, I am going with you, and yet a few more shall cross your path to be blessed in it. Therefore, watch and be ready, for I am with you. And those, with whom you shall speak, shall be set before you, and upon them a light will shine. Yet understand this… It is not My will, that each one you meet, leaves contented and thankful…

For I am The Lord… And My words, whether soft or hard, shall always convict. Let all things be separated, starting with the hearts of men… Let them choose and make their decision. Let the first harvest be separated, prepared, and taken. And to the rest… Let them be left, and cast into the furnace to be burned, even seven days.

For you are sent to the remnant of these, not the whole… You are sent to complete the harvest, not to bring it in. For the Gospel, at present, is being preached in the whole world and is readily available, even as My Spirit is poured out.

Therefore, many have been chosen… And those, called, have harkened… And that, which is to be accomplished through My Word in these Letters, is being done… To make the warm into a flame…

While causing others to grow indignant, even cold… A hardening of their hearts against The Lord’s purpose, a refusal of My Word, even to reject it. Thus the faith of many shall be exposed for what sort it is… Laying their hearts open before Me… And with their mouths they testify of the same, as a witness against themselves.

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