Seed, time and harvest

2 months ago

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Seed, time and Harvest!

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
03.04.2024 02.20

My children it is time to reap what you have sown. I have taught you the Lord's Prayer. Mark Zuckerberg has banned you from confessing My words.
Some of you have been asking why he has forbidden the Lord's Prayer?
Because it is the time for My Kingdom to come and My will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven.
I AM about to manifest My authority and My Kingdom to be established so that the Earth will see My Kingdom glory. My Kingdom is at hand right here, now! Many of you don't realize that My Kingdom is in you. My Kingdom is rocksolid and it is unshakable.
Heaven and Earth will disappear but I will establish My Kingdom in My children and My sons will be revealed to whom they really are in Me.
Rise and shine like son Yeshua Hamasiach.

To My children of Zion you are now entering a time of the supernatural dunamis power being manifested. When it comes, know that the power is from Me working through you. I have anointed and appointed you for the times as this.
Signs, wonders and miracles will follow My children and you will see that My enemies will be exposed.
I have had enough of the spitting in My face, enough of blasphemy. I say enough is enough! There are limits and boundaries for your enemies because I will never allow them to destroy you.

Many of you have been through a long wilderness journey, but know this My Beloved Bride. Your time has ended and get ready to be showered with blessings and it will come in a fashion that you have never experienced before in your lives.
My favor will be upon you in a glorious way. Stay with Me and listen to what I will instruct you to do. I am your vindication.
The evildoers will also harvest what they have sown and the cup of sin and the iniquity is full.

The early and the latter rain will be at the same time.
Everything in your lives will be restored, found and redeemed.
You will know that I AM that I AM. I AM the Most High and no one is higher than Me.

My warrior Bride, pull your strength from Me so you can stand on the greatest battle in history. Use your authority and power that I have already given you through My only begotten son Yeshua Hamasiach.

My children, the veil has been removed and I will let you know the secrets that have been hidden in the darkness. The anointing is the secret that has been kept unknown to the servants who have been before you. My children I will breathe on you in a way that you haven't seen before. So get ready, get ready!

Galatians 6, 7-8
Ephesians 6, Full Armor
Haggai 2,6-9 The latter glory will be greater than the former
Isaiah 60
Isaiah 61, the day of vengeance

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