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15 seconds

April 1, 2023

1 year ago


  • 0/2000
  • Soros is a psychopath! A twisted demented evil individual!

    1 like
  • 1) Walter Cronkite confessed, "We Americans are going to have to yield up our sovereignty and that's going to be to many, a bitter pill"!!! (Good luck with that) https://rumble.com/v2ym9u4-cronkite-confessed-his-treason.html 2) Barbara Spectre confessed, "Europe must become multicultural or else it will not survive"!!!...(and)..."Jews will be resented for taking a lead role"!!! (globalist confession and threats) https://rumble.com/v35lck6-barbara-spectre-claims-that-jews-will-take-the-lead-to-force-europe-to-be-m.html 3) Gary Shandling confessed that gay Jews run Hollyweird!!! (He then died at just 65yrs old???) https://rumble.com/v2dhx5w-gay-j3ws-runs-hollyweird.html 4) Sociopath George Soros confessed on 60 Minutes, "I am basically there to make money!!! I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do"!!! https://rumble.com/v2fryxo-april-1-2023.html 5) Justin Pearson is a FRAUD as this video exposes his fake southern accent!!! https://rumble.com/v2jawic-justin-pearson-caught-as-he-mimics-mlk.html 6) Walter Cronkite promoted TREASON as he praised Soros, as Hillary praised Walter Cronkite as their leader and spokesman for globalism in the 1990's!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANiqW8F0A5c (5:45 mark) 7) The most horrific cruelty to our black kids today is not racism!!! It's PARENTAL ABANDONMENT!!! Republicans should preach that!!! Morgan Freeman hates Black History Month and hates being called a "black man"!!! Denzel Washington blames ABSENT FATHERS (not cops) for so many young black kids being in jail!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIoOc5NFo1k (black celebrities on racism) 8) https://rumble.com/v3d6sw3-q-juan-o-savin-decode-aug-30-2023.html ==============================================