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15 seconds

Shooting a penny with a pistol

12 years ago

I had to revisit this trick because some people were giving me a hard time about using the rifle for shots I can't make with the pistol. Folks that's not the case. The reason I use the rifle a lot is #1 it's cheap, almost anybody can afford it so when people watch they know they can do the same thing with a little practice. The #2 reason I like to use that little rifle is the ammo. I use loads and loads of CCI Quiet in that little gun and I don't need to stick plugs in my ears with those. The quiets won't function in the pistol unless I manually rack each round in, plus I would still need ear plugs because they are still loud in a short barreled pistol. Thanks for watching and subscribe :)
This is my first video to include our new theme song "The Buffalo and Ricochet Show" I want to thank Greg Wilson and his daughter Megan for writing this song. They are extremely talented and just good folks to be around.
See shooting a penny with a pistol part 2 for a truly amazing shot!
Music used with the permission of Greg Wilson and Megan Wilson who wrote, performed and recorded this music specifically for this channel. I am now accepting friend requests on my personal FB page as well- https://www.facebook.com/jwcfordtruck

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