Episode 4: Jake McLean on How to Overcome your Past and WIN at Life

1 year ago

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“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Carl Gustav Jung
In this episode, we meet Jake. A regular guy from Pennsylvania who happens to know some surprising things about water. We also discuss deep levels of true personal development, trauma healing, breaking an addiction cycle, overcoming chaos addiction, balancing the inner masculine and feminine while healing the inner child. This conversation hits dead center in the target of where men need to place their attention. Stop making excuses, stop running away from yourself, and start choosing the courageous path of self actualization through going inward. Your problems are not with the world. Your biggest enemy isn't external, its your own denial of the parts of you that have been wounded, buried, and forgotten about. It's time to heal this, restore balance to the force, and begin moving quickly and with a sense of urgency towards your DESTINY.
Jake's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/shogun_jeiku/
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naturalartform/
The Creek Valley Jake said had tons of cool plants in it: https://infogalactic.com/info/Wissahickon_Creek

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