Banking & Mortgage Fraud

1 year ago

Webinar Adrian, Dean, Tina, Lelo & Foppe Discussing Council Tax Bank & Mortgage Fraud, Financial Corruption and more. Followed by some Spiritual healing for us all on our own Spiritual Journey.

Fascinating Information by Foppe. Please do your own research links below to get you start with your own Journey.

At the twilight of Britain Empire, bankers, lawyers and accountants from City of London set up a spiders web of offshore secrecy jurisdiction that captured wealth from across the globe and funnelled it to London.
The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire

The Great British Mortgage Swindle.

Who is Holding My Mortgage?

Mortgage Fraud: Hidden in Plain Sight.

Please do your own research.
I am sharing 'Notice of Fraud' with you

At times this can be tuff on each individual and on our Souls, We can at times feel trapped in it all and it can become very suffocating and over whelming and up & down emotional rollercoaster, which unfortunately each individual has go through its all apart of unlearning the program that we have all been taught to be right.

To get away from all this and take time to heal yourself within and to put your emotions at ease is to meditate go in to the nature and eat natural healthy foods.
There are many different Meditation music. So Please research and find what suits you best.

432 Hz - Deep Healing Music for The Body & Soul - DNA Repair, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music.

Council Tax Fraud.

Banking fraud.


Steps that ewe could take to return the power to us...

examples.html#We are happy to help guide give support to all those that see the truth behind the system. we can not do it for you, but you have our full support on it all. we are the people. You will need to be approved into the group. its open to those who want to take back there power back and work together to rebuild a better future for our children. Souls and Big Hearts is whats need on this journey to stand against for whats right.

Basic Information to Research.

Deep Dive Information on all topics or need advice you can contact me personally here.

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