Banking Fraud

2 years ago

Webinar with Adrian, Dean, Tina, Lelo, Education on the Banking System. How it Really works behind the scenes.

In this video we go over a small part of history to show you how blacksmiths turned to bankers by taking our gold and silver into storage why giving us Promissory notes/paper for exchange. Slowly over time they change laws goal posts to put OUR countries into debt along with us why they own it all.. Then they live off of our creative Enegry to create money out of interest when they hold all our GOLD and Silver. just the tip of the iceberg.

Please also watch this video to get more Inner standing of the rich mans trick on us the general People. You will then start to see you make money for the banks.

The Finance Curse

These documents below are for you to challenge your bank when you feel you have the power and all knowledge to do so. Try to remember they don't want you to confront them. the more we all do the more we can make a change. Always stay on your point. Never wavier.

A quick explanation as to how and why the banks are so powerful Includes the the real meaning of enemy of the state.

This is the document with the template letter for bank loans and credit cards, with instructions.

This is the first letter to banks with instructions.

second letter to send after 30 days . All Explained in the notes with the first letter.

Final letter notice of default.

Please read this carefully and make sure you understand it before you send it. Please amend with your personal details where necessary.
I am sharing 'DSAR SAR TEMPLATE' with you.

12 Presumptions Of Law

We are happy to help guide give support to all those that see the truth behind the system. we can not do it for you, but you have our full support on it all. we are the people. You will need to be approved into the group. its open to those who want to take back there power back and work together to rebuild a better future for our children. Souls and Big Hearts is whats need on this journey to stand against for whats right.

Take Responsibility in your own actions, stand your ground and be lawful. The more we support each other the better the outcome for us all. You are not alone on this journey defeating this individual will give us power to come together.

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