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1 year ago

Every year on March 11th, World Plumbing Day highlights the important role of plumbing in protecting public health.

What do you think of when you see the word plumbing? Chances are, you think about running water, the sewer system, and the many pipes that make it all work. Now imagine a world without these things. How inconvenient would your life be without immediate access to hot or cold water? What if you had to leave the comfort of your home to go to the bathroom in an outhouse? What if your community did not have a system of pipes that made these things possible?

You might think that every homeowner in developed countries has access to running water and a sewer system. Even in developed countries, however, a lack of plumbing is a reality that some people live with every day. In the United States, two million people do not have access to basic indoor plumbing. It’s not just those living in poverty who don’t have indoor plumbing or running water. In some states, like Alaska, the Dakotas, and Maine, there are entire communities that don’t have complete plumbing systems.

Where there’s a need
It’s much worse in undeveloped countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 2.5 billion citizens throughout the world don’t have access to any sanitation facility. This includes 818 million people in India and 607 million people in China. There are other countries as well that have large populations with inadequate plumbing. These countries include:

You may think that a lack of plumbing is a matter of inconvenience. However, it is much more than that. Not having access to plumbing is a significant health issue. You have probably never thought that plumbing saves lives, but it really does. Without proper plumbing systems in place, many people throughout the world are susceptible to diseases. Children are especially vulnerable. About 700,000 children die each year from diarrhea. This condition is usually caused by improper sanitation and unsafe drinking water.

HOW TO OBSERVE #World Plumbing Day
Plumbing organizations gather together on this day to network with other plumbers and keep up with changes in the industry. Those in the plumbing profession attend seminars and workshops to learn what they can do to improve access to running water and safe sanitation. To participate:

Thank your local plumber for all the work they do.
Think about what your life would be like without plumbing.
Donate to an organization, such as Plumbers without Borders or The Water Project.
Make an appointment to have your plumbing system inspected.
Spread awareness for this day on social media with #WorldPlumbingDay

The World Plumbing Council (WPC) established World Plumbing Day in 2010. The WBC is an international organization made up of 200 members from over 30 countries around the world. It is their goal to achieve the best possible plumbing for the world through the world’s plumbing industries.


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