God, The faith and The Supernatural In Castlevania

1 year ago

A video openly criticizing an aspect of the Netflix series. The religious and supernatural elements that the show's writer left out, diminished or altered on purpose.

I have, at best I will confess, a passing interest in religion as a whole. Because we live in an era of institutions riddled with misinformation and censorship of varying degrees, I do not wish to simply refer to any sources, let alone openly biased ones, such as Wikipedia for the intellectually lazy.

Instead, if anyone is interested in the subject itself, I encourage you to rather do your own research and draw your own conclusions as it's a massive rabbit hole when it comes to fact and fiction regarding the church in the medieval period as well as the omission of detail and context. Many of the rabid Netflixvania fans seem to believe the Netflix series is historically accurate at face value regarding the church's involvement in Wallachia.

For those who are interested in at least a basic rundown on the Great Schism and the Roman/Medieval Inquisition here are the links.

The Great Schism Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr5KYW8M_aA&list=WL&index=24&ab_channel=BlitzAnalysis
The Great Schism Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiJMeBZr-vE&list=WL&index=25&ab_channel=Quill%26InkHistory
The Roman Inquisition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrSgFawBmho&list=WL&index=26&ab_channel=Quill%26InkHistory
The Medieval Inquisition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOJojMdSy48&list=WL&index=27&ab_channel=Quill%26InkHistory

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