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2 years ago

Lookoutfa Charlie 285

Ascension Symptoms - The most dangerous PsyOp to get pulled on the spiritual / new age community. Ever.

One of the greatest CIA / MOE SAD / MILITARY PSYOPS in history.


  • 0/2000
  • Lookoutfa Charlie 285 Ascension people are delusional victims of weaponized frequency / Rogue Human Body Communication. Period. Ascension Symptoms - The most dangerous PsyOp to get pulled on the spiritual / new age community. Ever.

  • You are exactly right! A lot of the Q anon people have been slowly moving in this direction. I saw it quite awhile back and it made me so mad because supposedly these people are waking up to truth yet they get stuck on this and look no further. They’re still trusting the plan. It’s so disturbing and It makes me so mad when I see it. This is so deceptive, evil and just wrong. Thanks for always speaking truth.

  • Ran into one woman preaching the same crap. One who's kids were literally dying. Baby crying itself to death refusing to stop crying and eat. Another with severe rash and dangerous swellings with holohairs growing from it. Another with headaches so bad he just stopped talking for months. When I tried to tell her what was going on, she had the nerve to call me crazy while saying I need to wake up and she's been preaching the coming ascension for decades and I needed to go and watch her thousands of videos. That her children were just crystallizing into the 5th dimension.

  • Followed you here from Odysee. Shame you're not cross posting there anymore but I get the YouTube bullshit. I would still love it if you upload there too. I admire your research and the amount of work you put into it. Really opened my eyes to a whole new field.

  • Getting his cat in shape for "the new earth "... lmao, I just can't... The gallows humor helps, ty.

  • ...Vibrating at a higher frequency... yeah like 30 billion hertz

  • WOW! Just followed your channel and was scrolling through & listened to this. I am 😠 😡 furious at the level of sinister, predatory and evil mind games going on here. I mean this is diabolical and I can see how easily people would fall for it. Deeply saddens me after the anger fades. It's an astonishing time to be on this planet. I pray daily that more people will wake up. That more whistle-blowers find the courage to come forward and that people like you stay safe and well and continue to educate others. Your work is important & I like your no-bullshit approach. I have studied the work of Clifford Carnicom, Diana Freeland and so many others. Im 61 so have been down many rabbit holes.When you put so much knowledge together about what's REALLY going on it is hard to guess what could possibly occur in the world next. Lately I've been reading the work of Ashton Forbes @justXAshton on X (twitter) and my latest big question I've been pondering is what to make of Dr. Steven Greer (the UFO guy) and all the whistle-blowers coming forward on this subject. Shawn Ryan's show on YT has a bit to wade through. So much info and who is 100% honest and who is controlled?? I am thankful that I have a pretty good sense of the smell test but literally there is SOOO MUCH going on it's hard to decipher at times. What a ride we are on at this point in history. I wonder if these ascension guru/psychopathic liars are deep fakes or actually people using their own faces?? What kind of payroll are they on? We know who pays MSM anchors. Just when you think you have seen much in a day..BOOM! More psyop-lies! All the best to you and thank you sincerely for your work. Truth matters!

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  • HAHAHA these guys are woo woo crazy evil. Omg how stupid!

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  • Idiocracy at its finest 🙄

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  • This is literal horse shit. My mom and I have these symptoms.