US Dept of Defense to Big Pharma contracts tells the story- Sasha Latypova

1 year ago

Source: Stew Peters Network

US State Attorneys can stop this treason of the DoD and elsewhere. Dept of Defense to Big Pharma contracts tells all. Sasha explains the CONTRACTS.
Todd Callender first used the term "KILL BOX" and Katherine used it after that as it is a MILITARY TERM. Sasha was first to say this is a Dept of Defense operation (Vax roll out- Operation Warpspeed).
Government & Military are trying to kill us. It is definitely military, coordinated & funded & managed by the US Dept of Defense. They are TREASONOUS as they are not acting on behalf of the American people. They have no allegiance to a country or a people. This is done by creating a VERY COMPLEX COMPARTMENTALIZED STRUCTURE within government where 99% of the people that work there are NOT in the KNOW. And things like covid, they put PRESSURE on these people saying "you have to do things this way because people are dying" and they (99% in government) go along with it and believe it.

They (99%) don't know everything but only what they are tasked with and are completely COMPARTMENTALIZE within government (Only the few KNOW the whole system and to push their agenda). There is no law that applies to the so called "counter measures" to do with a vaccine even though it is NOT a vaccine. The biggest lie that was perpetrated on the American public (and everyone else in the world) was telling everyone that these are vaccines/Therapeutics and that they are regulated by the FDA or any other regulatory agency but they are NOT vaccines. The LAW says you can NOT do a clinical investigation on these products so FDA should have had NOTHING to do with them. But the regulator agencies like the FDA was just play-acting and it was ALL THEATER with their hearings etc... just to convince the public that this was a medicinal product. It is a 3-party situation where you have the US Dept of Defense (Pentagon) orders the products and issues the money$$ through a contractual framework "OTHER TRANSACTIONAL AUTHORITY" and 2nd is the FDA regulatory body and the 3rd party are the private vaccine manufacturers like Pfizer, and Moderna, etc.. All the DoD contracts have the DoD IN CHARGE of everything where the vaccine manufacturers can have NO private conversations without the DoD participating in that phone call etc.. (Total control of the operation). The FDA and Vaccine companies working TOGETHER based on the DoD contract and DoD pays out the money to them. DoD has the VAX Companies and FDA working together to LIE to the public to pretend these are therapeutic vaccines. It is a criminal cartel. The contracts were designed to do this to skirt around regulatory agencies and keep the secrecy. They have 300 companies lined up eager to get government money$$$.

Attorney Robert Barnes who represented Pfizer Whistleblower Brook Jackson took Pfizer to court last June and Pfizer got off by basically saying it was FRAUD but the government knew about the fraud.
Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud- 07/05/22

Pfizer Defense Against Vaccine Fraud Case: Does the 'Other Transaction Authority' Contractual Exemption Grant Pfizer a Pass?

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