1 year ago

This is how they made the Covid Scam Legal
***S H A R E***

The US Department of Defense (DOD) is involved in the intentional Genocide of Americans. The shots are designed to be toxic and harmful. They are not Effective. They are not Safe.

Governments around the world are complying with an identical script and are Lying and covering up the deaths, disabilities and injuries that jabs are causing. They are colluding with the mass mainstream media. Now, Congress is going to approve the Omnibus Bill which will continue to fund this massive Crime against Humanity.

There has been no Enforcement of Good Manufacturing. No assurance as to what is in the shots.

The Courts and the Regulators will take No Action.

Emergency Use Authorization (1997 by Clinton) gets Rid of the FDA Safety and Efficacy regulations under EUA.

They claimed there were NO treatments for Covid, thus they could use their EUA to implement their plan of getting as many people jabbed with the untested mRNA spike proteins. But they know 100% they harm, kill and disable.

They PRETENDED there were no other treatments for Covid, which was a LIE. It has now been Proven that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine does effectively treat but the doctors who did prescribe were prosecuted or were reprimanded by med boards.

Another piece of Legislation called Other Transaction Authority (2015 Obama) - this enabled DOD to order undisclosed "Miliary Prototypes" from Pfizer, Moderna and others.

Then there is The PREP Act and "Public Health Emergency" (2020 TRUMP) and continued by Biden.

TRUMP was the one who announced Public Emergency under the Stafford Act. Once the public emergency was announced all the above legislation instantly became effective.

So this emergency allowed DoD to order Military Prototypes (mRNA JABS) and bypass regulations of safety and efficacy tests.

Don't you think Americans should have been informed that they were being administered Experimental UNTESTED drugs? These were NEVER tested on Animals with Pfizer and Moderna. The Americans were lied to when we were told they were Safe and Effective.

This is EXACTLY what Na-t-z’s did. This is a Violation of the Nuremberg Code.

Also, once the Public Emergency was announced this legislation came into play: Use of EUA Countermeasures -- 21 USC 360bbb-3(k) - once the jabs are designated "Countermeasures" by the Secretary of Health and Human Services they are NOT considered a Pharmaceutical.

Do you know the enormous significant to this?

This means that the entire FDA Regulatory Process was insignificant. Their role was just removed. But to FOOL the sheep they Role Played the part. Deception at its Finest.

The so called Clinical Trials were Performance Art. Completely FAKE.

The short testing they did do drastically Failed. One 12 year old girl, Maddie de Garay who volunteered to participate in the Pfizer clinical trial was permanently disabled and confined to a Wheel Chair for the rest of her life. Pfizer labeled the side effect a Stomach Ache. I will put a link to Maddie's story as told by her Mom in the comments.

The point is that her Disability will Never be recognized because of the legislation associated with the EUA. All the trial participants could have died and they could still LEGALLY administer this deadly mRNA.

Doctors should have been informed but they didn't do their research so they administered the jabs like they were the savior of the plandemic.

There is Good reason the FDA, Pfizer and Moderna Petitioned the Court to SEAL the clinical trial data they did have for 75 Years. It's a Crime and they all are in on it.

Once they are labeled Countermeasures it's Legal War vs American Citizens and we think they are helping us. These mRNA Drugs were NEVER designed to stop transmission of the virus. They were never designed to help us in any way. Have a good day Ashley They have a Sinister plot behind them.

They declared this a Pandemic after just 40 cases of Coronavirus. It was a Plandemic to get as many jabbed as possible while using mainstream media as fear porn to scare the hell out of everyone so they would run to get the untested experimental Fauci Ouchie.

Once they could get over 50% jabbed they know shedding will occur and people will be constantly getting sick.

Both the mRNA and the Covid Virus are Bio-engineered Weapons.

Now we’re in a real mess.

If they dared to do this, how can we trust them with other Jabs? Especially the Children's vax schedule!

The EUA needs to end now!!

In the US we are not allowed to do lab tests on people before and after the vaccine

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