BOMBSHELL: Whistleblower exposes US Dept of Defense plan to exterminate population– SASHA LATYPOVA

1 year ago

This interview was November 4th 2022. Full interview below

Team Enigma Whistleblower Sasha Latypova explains the US Department of Defense depopulation agenda, detailing how they legally got away with this under the Obama, Trump and Biden Administrations. So-called government "regulators" are simply paid actors stalling the public.

Source Truth Media
Dr.Michael Yeadon on Telegram:

Dear all,


We’re barking up the wrong tree, it seems, in trying to hold the medicines regulators to account. Turns out the whole thing is a US military operation & they alone make all the decisions, legally (because US law has been steadily amended over many years to make this absurd & offensive reality be legal).

This is dramatic new information. It’s clearly hopeless to batter FDA in the hope they’ll confess that they criminally authorized unsuitable treatments, because it appears they had no role (other than theatre) in these injections ending up in 5+ billion humans.

There’s nothing to prevent this cycle repeating, because as I understand it, the trigger is nothing more complex than the HHS Secretary deciding there’s a public health crisis and that prototypical agents X, Y & Z “may be effective”.
It doesn’t sound like there’s a more refined test or standard that HHS sec must use & no one to who their decisions are referred.

To invent an absurd setting, the mass media could pump out information about a new public health threat that “may be treated” by “Blue Juice”, made in billion dose quantities by Fake Pharma Inc.

Unknown to anyone outside the fraud, Blue Juice contains slow-acting cyanide.
HHS sec determines that there’s a PH crisis, casts around to see prototype “Blue Juice”, decides that this “might be effective” & authorizes DOD to distribute said treatment.

Though deaths follow many injections, media & medical professionals simply repeat that it’s “Safe & effective”. HHS sec gets no contrary information that the “Blue Juice” is lethal & doesn’t rescind their order.

I don’t understand how HHS/DOD authority overrides the regulators in territories outside the USA, though I’m going to bet there’s a reciprocal duty on governments in allied nations (what organization I can’t know, but surely more than NATO?).

It reinforces that we’re not going to gain any traction by using the law. That’s because we’ll bring actions that are outside the scope of whatever we’re assuming should happen, like FDA, which we now learn has no legal role in all this.

Best wishes
Dr. Michael Yeadon

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