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Histopathological reevaluation serious adverse events and deaths following COVID-19 vaccination

2 years ago

Source: https://rumble.com/v290q9s-histopathological-reevaluation-serious-adverse-events-and-deaths-following-.html A Very Detailed Investigation Of The Serious Damaging Effects Of The Covid Injections Studied From Autopsy's By Prof Arne Burkhardt (STOCKHOLM JAN/2023)

Arne Burkhardt iProfessor Dr. Med. of Pathology studied Medicine at the Universities of Kiel, Munich and Heidelberg. He trained in Pathology at the Universities of Heidelberg and Hamburg (1970 -1979) and became Professor of Pathology at the University of Hamburg (1979) and Tübingen (1991). He holds a position as an Extraordinarius Emeritus for General and Special Pathology at the University of Bern, Switzerland and practices as a Pathologist in his own laboratory since 2008. Arne has held guest professorships in numerous universities in the United States (Harvard, Brookhaven), Japan (Nihon), South Korea and Europe. He has authored more than 150 original publications in International and German medical journals and contributed to textbooks in German, English and Japanese.

Our international conference at the Stockholm Waterfront 21-22 January 2023 was a resounding success. It gathered 15 leading doctors, researchers and lawyers from the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Israel, Ukraine and Norway, along with 7 Swedes.


  • 0/2000
  • Thank you very informative ,I will share this with everyone I know

  • Interesting scientific findings on Covid: It now looks like a neurological disease. This once again confirms astrology. Even before this pathology started, in 2019, our team and I warned that with the entry of Saturn into Aquarius (in 2020) we will see an increase in neurological pathologies (Aquarius rules the nervous system and brain) in combination with heart and blood diseases . (Leo) which is the opposite sign of Aqua where Saturn went) With Saturn about to leave Aquarius and enter Pisces, the diseases will shift. Pisces rules the hormone system, so watch out for collective problems related to irregularities there.Hormonal issues are notoriously hard to diagnose since we still know little about hormones, but that’s another side of Pisces – mysterious illnesses or the like that are hard to pinpoint. Hormones are also directly related to emotions, another realm of Pisces, and each set of hormones corresponds to one of the 7 chakras. So we are not just talking about physical processes here, but also fine energetic blockages of the chakra system that Saturn would be pointing to, which can hopefully be rebalanced through more energetic and spiritual means, such as the release of emotions and grief, emotional regulation, forgiveness. Have we no spiritual knowledge but confirmed this = Pisces is all connected to the immune system, and Saturn in Pisces indicates that humanity collectively could have lowered immunity for a while and should pay special attention to raising it. The most dangerous time will be in a year or two when Saturn moves closer and closer to Neptune, which could be an epidemic/pandemic signature. Pisces is a sign of seeing consequences of past actions and life choices, which is what we call karma. Let’s hope karma isn’t a bitch this time, but a wise teacher! According to esteemed esoteric researcher Rudolf Steiner, the true reason for susceptibility to viruses and the like is not the actual virus, but the materialism of the person…= profit over life

  • Gezond Wereldnieuws Hier worden enkel medische issues gepost van onafhankelijk medici. Dit zijn medici die de waarheid willen verspreiden over gezondheid. ...Kanker is multifactorieel. Je kunt niet alleen op je eten letten en denken dat je niet ziek wordt. 85-95% is kanker een chronische stress, angst woede, choque probleem. Er word ons wijs gemaakt dat ziektes iets is waar we niets aan kunnen doen. Dit soort dingen wordt ons echt aangeleerd. Ik heb 5 jaar al deze info bewaard en bestudeerd en ik concludeer dat mensen ziek worden door leugens, foute info en het bedrog dat achter kanker zit. Verdient een arts 350.000 euro per patient is profit over life.... Ik ben net een telegram groep gestart over kanker: hier kun je al veel interviews en blogs bekijken https://t.me/+WCxJPD3z5hVhYTM8

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