How to Have a Reset Day & Get Your Life Together

1 year ago

00:00 Intro
02:23 Prepare for it
03:17 Go to bed early
04:13 Unplug
05:14 Realistic expectations
06:20 Time-blocking
07:18 Celebrate
07:55 Closing

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- Tara Brach's RAIN Explanation

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One of my favorite quotes is “the only constant in life is change”. This is a healing message to remind yourself of as you approach your reset day. I think most of us view healing as a linear journey.

We believe that once you start healing, you will progress and progress into a better and better version of yourself. But unfortunately for all of us, that is just not the way this journey on this Earth works, and we may need to relearn the same lessons many times in order for the lessons to stick.

The critical part of healing is that we keep coming back and we do not give up on ourselves, no matter how many times we need to have ourselves a reset day.

Here are a few ways I reset myself when I’ve been feeling out of alignment and need to find my way back:

1. PREPARE FOR IT - The night before a reset day, I try to set my intentions for the day. Not a “to-do” list or a list of goals, but instead a mindset or energy I’d like to bring into the day. Such as being more present.

2. GO TO BED EARLY - No matter how awake and alive you feel the night before, put yourself to bed at a decent time. I used to be much more of a night owl, but recently I have been looking at going to bed early as a positive trade-off.

3. UNPLUG IN THE MORNING - A lot of life is just momentum, I’ve noticed that the way I start my day is often how my day is going to continue to go. Try to keep your phone off in the morning so that you can focus deeply on something right away and get your mind set on mono-tasking.

4. HAVE REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS FOR YOUR DAY - If you have been down in the dumps for weeks and you are trying to do a reset day, understand that you may not be able to turn your entire mindset and momentum around in one single reset day. Try resetting a single area of your life around at a time. Maybe for a few days try resetting your cleaning habits, or your exercise routine, or getting back on track at work.

Don’t overload yourself by trying to reset all areas of your life at the same time and instead focus on particular areas until they become a habit for you and you can move on to the next area of your life.

5. TRY TIME-BLOCKING - I want to make an entire video about the time-blocking system I have used for the past two years. I recently found out that Elon Musk also uses this system so it’s got his endorsement as well. Time-blocking is a really useful skill for planning, managing, and maximizing the usefulness of your time.

One of my favorite phrases is “what gets tracks gets improved”, so tracking how you are spending your time can really help you to make the most out of your reset day and help you understand where all your time is actually going to.

6. CELEBRATE YOUR VICTORIES - Starting off with small goals is really the key to being able to celebrate later. Take account of what positive steps you took and give yourself a pat on the back. Even if all you did today was change your attitude towards a more positive outlook and start believing that you can reset, then that is still a huge win in the right direction. You don’t need to move mountains on your first day of trying to get your life back on track, you just need to start shifting your mindset in the right direction so you can start the process of moving forward.

That is it for today! Please if you enjoyed this video don’t forget to like, share, subscribe, and comment to help support my channel. It would mean the world to me. Until next time I thank you for watching and I will see you in the next video!

THANKS GUYS! XOXO ♡ hachimama U・ᴥ・U

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- #resetday
- #adayinmylife
- #healing

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