Who Can Know The Plans Of The Lord? | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | March 15, 2023

1 year ago

Who Can Know The Plans Of The Lord? | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | March 15, 2023

In the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons. Ruth 1:1

The story of Ruth starts with an unlikely catalyst event which brings a cascade of other events: a famine occurs in the land of Judah. Because of this, a man named Elimelech and his wife Naomi venture to a Moab, a foreign land. Here, Elimelech’s sons take Moabite wives, one of which is Ruth. Sadly, after a few years the daughters-in-law and Naomi are left as widows and are faced with the question of “What now?” Naomi decides to go back to her homeland alone yet Ruth clings to her saying “Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.” (Ruth 1:16). From there we know much of the rest of the story as God divinely orchestrates the meeting of Ruth and Boaz. Boaz becomes their “kinsman redeemer” and Ruth is grafted into the line of Christ, becoming the great-great-grandmother of David.

When we read a story like this, we cannot mistake the sovereign hand of the Lord. God uses a famine to bring about His will and from there, the pieces start coming together. We don’t always know why certain things happen in our lives. But the Lord does. With Him there are no accidents; nothing is “purely coincidence” or chance. While we navigate twists and turns in life, our constant response before God must be “What are You trying to say to me through this?” Events may seem ordinary and mundane in and of themselves. But over a series of time, He is writing a beautiful story with your life. Who can know the plans of the Lord? We may not, but we can trust Him.

Question for today: God led the paths of Naomi and Ruth to cross. How have I seen Him orchestrate things that ended up having a profound impact on my life?

Pray: God I may not always know why certain things occur. Regardless I can trust You with my life.

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