Following God’s Battle Plan | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | April 28, 2023

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Following God’s Battle Plan | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | April 28, 2023

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And the LORD said to Gideon, “With the 300 men who lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hand, and let all the others go every man to his home.” Judges 7:7

Judges chapters 6-8 are a case study in following a battle plan that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense; at least from man’s perspective. Gideon is chosen by God to lead Israel into battle against their enemy, the Midianites. When called, Gideon is actually hiding in a winepress threshing grain. Still God calls him a “mighty man of valor” (Judges 6:12). As God prepares Gideon for battle, he cuts his army numbers down…way down. From a size of 32,000 Gideon somehow ends up with 300. From there, the battle itself depended upon two unlikely weapons: trumpets and jars with torches. Yet in all of this, Midian is routed. Surprised by an attack at night, Israel ambushes the camp. When the trumpets are blown, the enemy turns upon itself in utter confusion.

Sometimes when God calls us to do something, the plans don’t make any sense. Financially the numbers don’t work out. Physically the toll seems too hard. Mentally and emotionally, we just don’t have the stamina to put forth the effort. But these are all reasons to quit based upon our abilities. God wasn’t looking for Gideon’s ability, only his availability. It was obvious God had another plan as He slimmed the army down to 300. It was obvious God would bring victory in such a way that only He could get the credit. If there’s a plan that seems too big today, good. It’s God’s way of letting you know the battle is His. You just need to obey and be ready for the call.

Question for today: What is impossible with God? In light of that, how do I approach the mountains in front of me?

Pray: God You are still the God who brought Gideon the victory with just 300 men. Help me trust You for victories today and stop relying upon my own strength.

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