The Same Kindness | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | March 27, 2023

1 year ago

The Same Kindness | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | March 27, 2023

And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.  Ephesians 5:2 

There is true heart-change that goes on the more the love and kindness of Christ indwells within us.  Things we would never have cared about before start to break our hearts.  Needs that we see in the world around us begin gnawing at our souls.  We may look at the world and even ponder things like: Who is going to feed them?  Who is going to clothe them?  Who is going to take care of them?  Who is going to share Christ with them??? We begin to see the world through fresh eyes; eyes I believe we were always meant to have before sin and the fall tarnished our view.  Christ is the first one to show us how to truly see. 

Jesus’ death on the cross is love in action.  It is kindness to the ultimate degree.  And we are called to walk this path.  We know the journey can be difficult. We know the flesh rears its ugly head from time to time and we get more concerned about our rights and our privileges.  But the Christian man or woman is called to a different lifestyle.  You can see it in chapter after chapter of Matthew through John.  Jesus has a sincere love that doesn’t turn away but extends itself time and time again.  His acts of kindness are not random and are not by chance.  They are intentional and they point to Who He is.  We are inhabited by that same Spirit and it calls us to display the same kindness. 

Question for today: What is one act of kindness I can display to someone right now?

Pray: Jesus thank You for Your example of kindness. It is what draws us to repent and turn towards You.

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