Australia makes 5th Dose of Covid-19 Vaccines available!

1 year ago

What really grinds my gears is antivax cookers like Karl Stefanovic, here spreading dangerous misinformation about imaginary 'complications' and adverse events with vaccines.

He now claims he is 'done with the vaccines' because he's 'had covid a couple of times'.

Unlike science-deniers like Karl, we will always follow The Science and if ATAGI or any government authority tells us to line up for the next dose, it's time to park the brain and get it done.

Covid doesn't magically go away because you're tired of it, you anti-Science hypocrites. What happened to the heat of a thousand suns that we mustered a year ago against all of the #cookers who threw a tantrum about their 'freedoms'?

It's time we go back to listening to the experts, not some non-epidemiologist on television names Karl telling us that vaccines don't work.

The most successful Premier in Victoria's history made it clear both in his victory speech and when being 'cooker heckled' recently: 'VACCINES WORK'.

Are we really 'all in this together' Australia?

#ThisIsOurShot #Science #GetBoosted

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