Intel i5 6400 vs. i3 6100

8 years ago

- Here it is! Finally! My apologies for not being able to get this to you any sooner. However, now that it's here, see for yourself if the improvements and benefits of Intel's newest i5 Skylake CPU are worth the extra money. Everyone knows that quad-core gaming is the way to go - but do the FPS increases and raw performance benefits justify the additional cost? Which is the truly better value? The i3? Or the i5? The specs of our test bench are listed below:

Intel Core i3 6100 @4.0GHz / Intel Core i5 6400 @4.0GHz
ASRock Z170 Pro4 LGA 1151 ATX Motherboard
8GB (4GBx2) PNY Anarchy DDR4 @2346MHz
Sapphire Radeon R9 380 4GB
Kingston 120GB SSD
WD Caviar Blue 320GB HDD
430W EVGA 80+ PSU
NZXT S340 Black Windowed Mid-Tower


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