Pfizer Docs: 20% of Clot Shot Strokes Were FATAL in 90 Days following Rollou

1 year ago

(Dec 28, 2022) Daily Clout interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf, Project Director Amy Kelly, and War Room/DailyClout volunteer and researcher, Dr. Chris Flowers. The War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Post-Marketing Team wrote a Stroke System Organ Class Review based on Pfizer document 5.3.6 data. In the first 90 days following Pfizer’s COVID mRNA bio-weapon injection rollout, 275 patients reported 300 different stroke-related adverse events; and 20% of those events were fatal. 50% of the adverse events occurred in the first two days following injection. Pfizer concluded: “This cumulative case review does not raise new safety issues.”

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