"A Population of only 500 Million, Please!" - Jane Goodall

1 year ago

The famous anthropologist Jane Goodall, at, of course, a World Economic Forum, pines for a world pop of just 500 million people.

The 'fact' checkers will say that she is not CALLING for a massive depopulation, which is true, but not the point. That its her reference point is what is interesting, and you would think people would want to ask follow up questions, such as, "ARE you calling for a depopulation to that level? If not, what target should we go for?" And, "HOW do you propose we make that target." But as you can see, the interviewer thinks its a rather banal statement, and moves on...

This is a clip used under the fair use provision. The full length video is available on YT. I do not own the underlying video.

For the video I composed featuring this clip, "They Want you Dead" click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mrMr8RkiH0

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