Star Citizen - Lets Talk MASTER MODES

1 year ago

complainer noun

Synonyms & Antonyms of complainer
1a person who makes frequent complaints usually about little things
she early on got a reputation as a complainer after finding fault with her work space
Synonyms for complainer

baby, bellyacher, crybaby, fussbudget, fusser, fusspot, griper, grumbler, kvetch, kvetcher, sniveler, whiner
Words Related to complainer

bawler, bleater, moaner, screamer, squawker, wailer, weeper
crab, grump, malcontent
Near Antonyms for complainer

happy camper
2an irritable and complaining person
a chronic complainer
Synonyms for complainer

bear, bellyacher, crab, crank, croaker, crosspatch, curmudgeon, fusser, griper, grouch, grouser, growler, grumbler, grump, murmurer, mutterer, sourpuss, whiner
Words Related to complainer

malcontent, sorehead
grinch, killjoy, party pooper, spoilsport
defeatist, pessimist
faultfinder, kicker, nagger, nitpicker, objector, quibbler, repiner
crock [slang], hypochondriac"

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