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Sleep, Weight, Energy and Hormones

2 years ago

I want to give people a sneak peek behind the scenes of what our clients have access to in the Cellular Health Accelerator program.

I meet with them twice a week to discuss health topics and directly address their concerns.

This clip is from one of those meetings, and it's all about toxins.

Toxins affect what I call the four pillars of health -- each an area that must be addressed to experience true, lasting health:


So if a person is experiencing struggles in ANY of these 4️⃣ areas....

...it could very well be that toxicity is the root problem.

The issue is, most "answers" to these problems aren't addressing the root -- they're addressing only the symptoms.

To find a true solution, you must get to the cause! ⭐

Listen to the whole clip to get some great advice on each of those four pillars of health.

#sleep #rest #reenergize #drbillcole #kcn #weightloss #health #healthier #selfcare #reset #behappy #mind #wellbeing


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