Utilitarian Free Markets

1 year ago

The argument cannot be escaped today. They may not say it, but they do always say: greater good, social costs, and any other utilitarian term they can come up with to camouflage it. The utilitarian philosophy holds that a good policy only has to be good for the greatest number. In this, nobody owns themselves. We are all cogs in society or “the good.” Individuals don’t exist. Private property ceases to exist. No group gets an exemption for violence.

This doctrine pretends to be scientific. What is “the good”? What is society? Both are individuals interacting with one another. What this implies is that values aren’t subjective. They can be added, subtracted, and weighted. Values are subjective to the individual. They are not objective and interpersonal comparisons cannot be made. Their goal is not the protection of private property, but the protection of the leftist ideology.

Read More: https://mrdevinney.com/utilitarian-free-markets/

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