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Project Fantasy Phase 1! 2020 🌠

2 years ago

Project Fantasy: Phase 1! (2020) #Project #Fantasy #Carissa https://www.facebook.com/VioletOfCourse

This is my newest video series. Like Project Pokémon and Project Zelda, you viewers can help suggest additions and changes in the comments. I don't know if I'll make an actual story from this one, so for now, we'll just have a bit of fun with world building.

To read some fantasy stories I have written, check out VioletOfCourse on Inkitt, Violet-Of-Course on Booksie, Violetofcourse on Fictionpress, and Golden Cloud Angel-Dark Storm on Fanfiction. Thanks! Like our Channel? Help Support our work at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jeanettegul Check Out Our Merch: https://guillory-family.myspreadshop.com/