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15 seconds


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Let’s talk about the weather! The Lower Mainland gets hit by a blizzard and pretty much comes to a halt. Plus, we have news about Pfizer trial results and New Zealand’s march to a totalitarian surveillance state.
Show Resources: https://bit.ly/3WsFyZ6
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~ L I N K S ~
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  • 0/2000
  • trudeau bans single use plastic ... what a brainstorm that was ,,, so ... einstein ,....what about green garbage bags ? what about all packaged meat ? what about a lot of vegetables wrapped in plastic ? what about milk jugs? orange juice containers ? mouth wash bottles , coffee containers ? What can we buy in the grocery store thats not a 1 time use ? oh but plastic straws ...OMG their the most dangerous , they must be the 1 st thing we ban ... what a nincomepoop !

  • Sadly Laura we do not have a government anymore, we are being lauded over by the deep state, they are guided by satan. I walk with God and I pray everyday, I meditate with God everyday. I will die on my feet not bowing down to evil on my knees. Laura Lynn, I heard Dr McCullough say the white fibrous clots grow in dead bodies and he keeps calling the bioweapons gene therapy "vaccines" Please read Karen Kingston on substack, she has all the receipts to prove these shots cause death and illness, they were designed to do that. We need to stop listening to doctors who won't tell the truth. Ron DeSantis could shut the shots down today, he has the power to do that, but instead he's calling for a grand jury dog and pony show, now I wonder if he's bowing to big pharma too. We are in so much trouble, we need leaders to tell the truth and start saving lives. I think people need to go to Florida and stand in front of DeSantis's office and force him to do the right thing, you need thousands of people to do that, he needs to hear the people and he needs to stop the bioweapon shots NOW.

  • I forget the bags at home all the time it’s not just you 😂

  • hi dear sister in Christ/Laura Lynn....so am chuckling at you-it is supposed to drop to minus 39 tonight here in MB(not unusual for this time of year)...we heat with a woodstove that can't be banked up to last all that long(small narrow firebox/big stove sigh....) anyhow, it goes out in the middle of night and when you get in morning it is like ten degrees in our home(we do use a space heater)...so yep laughing at you!...I walk around in snow pants when it hits below 29 often...by January with the windchill we often get minus 50...so yes it is like "survivor"...thanks for the continued reports and may the Lord continue to bless you and yours and give you the strength and discernment to endure in Christ always.

  • cannabis is a healing plant given to us by God to help that which ails us. Before pharma most medications were made from cannabis.

  • Control the weather, control the food, control the people.

  • I certainly wouldn’t advise anyone to be making snowballs with this poison

  • Thank you for all you do!

  • Thank you, Laura-Lynn for all you do, and thank you for the bit of humour mixed in. I think at this point, if we didn’t have humour we’d go insane. Also, thanks for doing something about the sound issues 😊 🙏

  • Laura-Lynn, I love your sense of humour!

  • We seem to be surprised when people like the pope come forward and do things like this. I’m not sure how people don’t understand. The pope is a socialist/globalist. No surprises here.!

  • That video about the lab guy finding flu and not covid is like, 3 years old ...

  • I think its all man made. In Ontario we have a massive windstorm coming this weekend, it looks like we will be spending Christmas in the dark with this hurricane force winds in Ontario

  • Think and pray on what you want to see in the world tomorrow Dec 21 on the Solstice Stay in the positive all day

  • Doctor David is Patrick Gunnels???